Broken Glass

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I woke up in the morning my whole body extremely sore. I was still in the dungeon and a neat stack of clothes was by the now open door. I unchained myself and I made my way over to the clothes. Once I had put on my clothes I looked at a small piece of parchment. It read 'here's the key to the door-Klaus'. I put the key in my pocket and sighed. 

I walked up the dusty stairs. I made my way to the door and reached in my pocket and grabbed the rusted silver key. I put the key in the doors hole and twisted it until it unlocked. Standing outside the door was Klaus. He turned around and smirked, rolled my eyes and hit my shoulder against his while walking away. 

I went to the living room and I sat next to Rebekah. "Bonnie and Elena went back to Mystic Falls with Stephan and Damon." Hayley told me, "Ok." I said, 

"And why are you snooping Nik?" Rebekah questioned while looking in the doorway. Klaus was standing their with a smirk plastered on his face. 

He turns and leaves the room. I turn back to Rebekah. She has a look on her face like she is creating a plan. "I'm going to go talk to Nik I'll be back." she says and leaves "What is she up to?" I ask "No idea." Hayley says.

Rebekah comes back smiling "What have you done?" I ask questioning her. "Nothing, but you know what we should do, we should go to Rousseau's." she said. I looked at Hayley and she nodded "Ok." I said hesitantly.

We walked out of the living room and walked out side to Rebekah's car where Klaus was sitting in the back. "Hayley you ride shotgun." Rebekah said, I bit the inside of my cheek. Of course I had to sit with Klaus. Before I had a chance to argue Hayley was walking to the passenger seat. I sighed and sat in the back.

Rebekah made small talk among us while we drove to Rousseau's. Once we arrived I got out of the car and we all walked inside the door. We all sat at the bar Rebekah on my right and Klaus on my left, Hayley sitting left of Rebekah. A blonde waitress came and took our order. I ordered bourbon on rocks. Once she came back with our drinks I spaced out thinking about how I hadn't had many dreams about the man, I was extremely thankful for that.

"Y/n, are you ok?" Rebekah asked "Yeah." I replied. everyone went back to their conversation. Klaus looked at me funny "What?" I asked him "Nothing." he replied vaguely. 

I was fine until I spaced out again thinking about the man. I heard my scream and then a thud to the group I opened my eyes and I saw the bloody man sitting on the ground dead. I snapped out of it by the sound of glass breaking. 

I looked at my stinging hand as I saw shards of glass in the palm of my hand and blood. I gulped and stood up and went to the bathroom. I rinsed my hand in the water. I was carefully pulling the shards of glass out of my hand biting my lip while doing so. I dried my hand with a paper towel. Once I finally stopped the bleeding I went back out to see only Klaus sitting at the spot. Great, I thought. 

I was trying to walk out alone but Klaus stopped me. "Going so soon?" he asked "Yep." I said while trying to push by. "I've been given the task by getting you home, safely." he added "I can go by myself." I said. I was walking down the street on the sidewalk with Klaus at my heels. 

"You're so close your forehead is basically touching my hair." I snapped at him. He stood to the left of me. I moved more to the right to create distance. For what felt like hours we made our way back to the compound. Rebekah and Hayley were sitting on the couch. 

I walked up the stairs and made my way to the medicine cabinet. I grabbed rubbing alcohol and a roll or adherent. I walked back down to the kitchen and got a wooden spoon. 

I walked into the bathroom. First I put the wooden spoon between my teeth. I carefully poured alcohol in the wound I shut my eyes and bit down on the wooden spoon, the stinging was almost as bad as the feeling of wolfsbane. Once the stinging wasn't as bad I wrapped my hand in adherent. I took the wooden spoon from between my teeth and started walking down the stairs to put it back. 

I put it back and I went and sat next to Hayley who was sitting across from Rebekah. I checked my watch and saw it was '5:28pm'. I sighed and started listening to their conversation. 

"May I take y/n for a moment?" Klaus asked from the doorway. Rebekah nodded. I stood up hesitantly. "Damon needs you in Mystic falls and I'm taking you." he informed me. "Why?" I asked "I don't know, but we need to be there soon, go pack your things." I obeyed and I got a duffle bag. I packed my things rather quickly and headed back downstairs. 

Klaus was waiting by the door and opened it as I made it to the last step. I walked out of the door and he followed behind me. I waited for him to walk infant of me to see which car we were going to take. 

He went into a black Freight liner. I put my duffle in the trunk and opened the passenger door stepping in. "Ready?" Klaus asked while putting the key into the ignition. "Yep."I said.


Um this chapter is very uneventful and I kind of hate it but I will try to make something actually happen next chapter. Also sorry for the short chapter.

Not me just editing it and regretting all life decisions um I hope my next chapter is better lmao.


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