Full Moon

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y/n POV:

"I-I need to go...on a run." I said my voice cracking from my suddenly dry throat. I started walking down the driveway turning my back from everyone else.

 I felt so alone even though I have both of my brothers, four other girls, and well...Klaus. I  already had so many questions like: 'Has Hayley triggered the curse?' 'When's the next full moon?'

I didn't even know where I was, I decided to go to a bar called 'Rousseau's'. I walked inside and sat on one one the bar stools. A man came and sat next to me.

 "Are you new here?" he asked, I turned my head in his direction and nodded. "I'm Marcel, and you are?" Marcel said "y/n Salvatore." I replied.

He sighed loudly "And you are related to Damon?" "And Stephan, I'm their sister." I said "Are you a vampire?"he asked "No, a witch...and a maybe a wer- well never mind, I have to go its getting late." 

I started to get up from the stool he grabbed my wrist, and looked at his hand and with my pointer finger, and middle finger I mover them in a circle making his wrist break. I took my chance and ran until I felt like I was going to faint. I was walking to catch my breath and arrived at the entrance if the Mikaelson's Compound.

I entered the living room to see Hayley sitting there. "Do you have questions, about the transition I mean?" she asked me. "Yes.'' I said immediately. "Go on then." she said "When is the next full moon and where do I go." I said quickly. "The next full moon is, tomorrow, and there is a dungeon in the basement. But fair warning the first transition is the most painful." she answered.

I nodded and I headed upstairs to where my new clothes were outside my door making it easy to find. I grabbed my bags and headed inside my room. I sat all the bags on my dresser and picked out pajamas from one of the bags. I went into the bathroom and let the hot water hit my skin. 

Once I had dried off, I put on my pajamas and laid in the king size bed with a white comforter. I closed my eyes all I could see is the bloody man laying on the concrete. I opened my eyes, but later I finally fell asleep.

"You are a monster you killed me!" the man said blood still covering his face. "No, no, no, you grabbed me! I didn't mean to kill you I just-" I was stopped by a pain in my stomach, a dagger. I looked up at the man in shock as blood dripped out of my mouth. 

I gasped, awake I looked at the dark room I was in, and took a few deep breathes. A warm tear fell down my cheek and I wiped it off with the back of my hand. I laid my head back on my pillow as I closed my eyes again finally finding peaceful sleep. 

I woke up to the sound of Klaus and Damon talking outside my door. "Give her the wolfsbane it will weaken her." I heard Klaus speak. I put my feet on the cold floor and walked to the door opening it. Nobody was there, they must have went downstairs I thought. 

I walked down the stairs to see Damon holding two cups of coffee handing one to me. I took a sip and it felt like my throat was on fire. I was coughing when Klaus came in the kitchen grabbing a cup of coffee for himself. I made my hand into a fist and it met Damon's face and he held onto his cheek. "What the hell!" He yelled at me, "It's one thing to give me wolfsbane, but tell me, and you're lucky I didn't snap your neck or use my magic." I snapped back 

Klaus chuckled and I glared at him. "Wheres the wolfsbane infused water?'' I asked Klaus, he pointed to a small cabinet. "Ultradane fex needle, Ultradane fex needle, Unltradane fe-" small shots appeared on the granite table. 

I grabbed a few and opened a bottle of wolfsbane. I filled each injection tool with it. I lifted my sleeve and stabbed my arm and injecting it with the wolfsbane. I felt burning, but it was bearable. I found found a vein in my left wrist and injected more wolfsbane. I clenched my jaw and looked at the wide eyed Klaus and Damon. 

"What?" I questioned. "Nothing." Damon said while walking away. "Do me." Klaus demanded. "No." he looked me strait in the eye and said "Do it." "No!" I said once again. He bit into my neck. He let go almost immediately. "What the hell!" I roared at him. "How can you not be compelled your not on vervain?" he asked looking shocked "Hell if I know." I shot back. 

"Now give me your wrist." he held it out and I filled another shot with wolfsbane. I looked at his wrist feeling for a vain, once I found one I stabbed I needle in and shot out the liquid. Klaus groaned, I rolled my eyes, and walked away. 

The girls and I were going to go to Rousseau's in 30 minutes so I decided to go get ready. I picked out a pair of light washed ripped jeans and a tank top. I brushed out my hair and brushed my teeth. Adding some light makeup and a pair of sneakers I walked out the door to see Bonnie getting out of her room. We waited downstairs until everyone came out. "Ready?" I asked. "Yup." Rebekah said "Let go."

We went out to Rebekah's car, and everyone sat in the same place they had yesterday. We drove threw the street there wasn't much traffic ever, people usually walked. Once we arrived we all got out of the vehicle we stepped inside and all sat on bar stools.

Once we ordered are drinks everyone started talking to each other. I spaced out for I don't know how long.

"You will pay for this, you murderer!" The man with blood smeared on his face "I-I didn't mean to I just-" tears fell down my cheeks. A  heard a loud 'pop' sound. I looked at my stomach to see a hole with blooding filling it. Blood dribbled down my chin. I heard faint voiced and they pulled me out of my trance.

"y/n are you alright you're crying." Rebekah said and everyones attention turned to me. I wiped the tears and nodded my head. Rebekah looked concerned but let it go.

I looked at my watch and it was 3 hours until until the sun set and the full moon came out. I shuddered at the thought. I turned back my attention back to the conversation.

I looked back at my watch and realized it was 6:00 and I had to go. "Um guys i'm going to walk back to the compound." They nodded and I went out the door. "Leaving so soon?" I heard an English accent, Klaus. "Fraid so." I said walking down the empty streets. "Let me walk you back.'' he more demanded than asked. "I can manage." I replied.

My wrist then snapped and broke. I looked at Klaus who's eyes widened. He held me bridal style as he vamp sped me back into the Compound's dungeon and chaining me up. He then ran out. More bones broke  first my wrist and the my spine broke into pieces, I heard my ankles crack and I screamed in pain.


I hope you liked part 2. I will probably skip anymore details about the transition in the next chapter and end the details here. Anyway I hope you're enjoying so far.

-Hannah <3 

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