All Eyes On Us

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We stay out there, in the dark, for the entire night. Until it becomes too light, and we'll be spotted. So, I leave him with a kiss.
Alexander is asleep in bed when I return, and I don't bother even trying to sleep. I know that I'm practically running on no sleep, and know that some time... it will all catch up with me. But I just have to get through the next three days.
Abigail helps me to get dressed in one of my fathers favourite dresses. I don't like it - but I have to act good. I have to be perfect.

The little golden flecks in the fabric catch the light, and Abigail pairs it with my golden accessories

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

The little golden flecks in the fabric catch the light, and Abigail pairs it with my golden accessories.
Alexander is dressed when I enter the room again.
"You're going to have to act like you love me for the next three days." He speaks as soon as he sees me.
"I know." I tell him before there's a knock on the door.
"Excuse me, your highnesses, there is a ball, that the King and Queen wish for you to attend."
I almost laugh at the use of wish. That implies the idea that we have a choice. There is no choice.
"We'll be right there." Alexander says, holding my arm steadily.
They nod and leave.
"Just... think about the plan. It's just a game, and in order to win, you've got to get through these last few days." Alexander tells me firmly. "So take my hand, pull me close and act like the lovesick wife you could never be." He smirks.
I can't help but laugh. "You won't believe it," I tell him as we leave the room.
Austin joins us halfway, laughing as soon as he sees the grin plastered in my face that won't be leaving until I go to bed.
"Well. Don't you just look thrilled." I laugh. Actually, genuinely laugh. Austin smiles. "Three days." He adds. I smile, because we're all counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until we're free.

I know that mother and father wouldn't just throw a ball for the love of it, it will be strategic. Everything always is for them. It will be something intended to benefit them. And considering the fact that it's only ten o'clock in the morning, which is not the usually time for a ball, it's something important.
"We'll get through this." Alexander says. "Austin and I can speak for you."
I don't want people to speak for me. I don't want to stand silent and be a good girl. But I bite my tongue. Joe smiles when I lay eyes on him, and I wink at him. He enters before we do.

All sorts of people are here for the ball, which is making me suspicious. We haven't had a ball this big in... years, meaning they must be announcing something.
Shut up. Don't speak. Hush.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Princess Taylor, Prince Alexander and er... Prince Austin."  His voice faulters at Austin and already I want to speak up. Be quiet. Don't open your mouth. I already want to argue and fight back.
The touch of the cold metal dagger that is tucked into the waistband of my underskirt keeps me focused. I will get through this day, even if they are testing me.
The crowd mumbles and whispers. They know who he is. Austin has his head to the ground. I do the only thing I can do, and place a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"They'll love you." I whisper.
"They know what I did." He sighs.
I hold out a hand. "Come on. They've got those little pastries you used to love. I can't get through it without you."
He smiles at me, before taking my outstretched hand and walking with Alexander and I down the stairs.
Fake a smile. Be a good girl, Taylor.
"Ah, my darling. I am so glad that you could join us." My mother says with a sickly sweet voice. She hugs me and I freeze. Somehow I manage to fake a smile. Somehow I manage not to scream and shout.
I don't speak to her, and Alexander takes me over to get a drink.
He hands me the wineglass and I am thankful for the alcohol.
Austin follows us, and I feel awful for him. He's so worried about what everyone is thinking.
"Come on. Dance with me." I tell him, turning to face him. "Like we used to. In the middle of the floor, with everyone watching us." I nudge him. "Just be yourself, Austin." I reach for his hand and guide him into the middle of the floor.
"It'll be fun." I smile, and even he can't stop himself from grinning. There are royals and peasants and everyone in between in this ballroom, and Austin and I used to be able to get them all dancing as one.
"I'm still the better dancer," he laughs.
"No way!" I grin.
The music is playing, and people stop spinning around us, instead, watching us for a few moments. Alexander joins us first, and then there are three of us dancing in the middle of the circle of guests. I have no clue whether my mother will appreciate this, but at this point in time, I cease to care.
Abigail and my ladies are the next to join us, spinning and twirling and dancing in a way we were not taught in our lessons.
Members of the public join in, dancing with us, smiling and laughing as everyone let's go for a few minutes.
"It's a shame," Alexander murmurs into my ear in the middle of it, "that you're not sticking around. It seems that the people want a Queen like you."

(jaylor au) clandestine meetings in beautiful roomsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz