"That's fucking boring then."

"Very true," I smiled kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm going to take a shower," he told me.

I nodded, "Shower sex?"

That was a joke.


Leo's eyes scanned me, "Yes."

"I was joking, stop thinking with your mini me."

"Mini me?"

"Your penis."

Is he dumb?

He smiled at me before walking off.

What a loser.

Apparently they're doing something major today because I'm staying here by myself with no adultsitter.

Rest assured Leo is taking no chances.

I have access to at least two gun in every room along with multiple knives. There's also a smoke bomb for fun.

I'm set.

Leo also took the liberty of installing a button that instantly alerts him I'm in trouble and in need of assistance at that very moment.

So, cool.

I sat on the stool eating watermelon tossing Kevin a piece as well.

"I love you and I'll see you later."

"I love you too," he told me grabbing his keys, "don't do any dumb shit again."

I'm a expert hand shadow person, my shadows puppets are unmatched.

I looked at my hand, I should be a hand model.


I'm not going into work right now, for obvious reasons. So I've been feeling unproductive.

I should invite Ara over.

Me: I'm home alone 🤝 come over

Mommy🥺🍑: What the fuck?

Mommy🥺🍑: Belle?

Me: Wrong person my b🤍

Mommy🥺🍑: Who was it meant for?

Mommy🥺🍑: Don't do anything dumb.

Me: I'm won't dw I love you 🍆🍆

Me: wait I meant *❤️❤️

Mommy🥺🍑: Good, I love you too🍆🍆

Mommy🥺🍑: But who was it meant for?

Me: My sneaky link

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