~Road Rage-Kylo Ren-NSFW~

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The Porsche rolls to a stop, clicking as Kylo sets the parking brake. You practically shove the door open and stumble out, gripping onto your sheer black shawl as you slam the door shut behind you. Kylo calmly exits, shooting you an unbothered expression as you scowl at him. He tosses the keys carelessly at a flustered valet, who nearly faints when he recognizes him as the CEO.

"Why so wound-up, darling?" Kylo's hand settles on your waist as he smirks.

You shoot him a look. "I'm taking a fucking Uber back, Ren."

"Mrs. Ren," he counters rather snidely, "surely you wouldn't rather exchange a stranger's company for mine."

"I would if that stranger wasn't trying to get me killed every time I stepped into a car." You snap.

Kylo stops you on the steps outside of the hall. He leans in, eyes glittering. "If it makes any difference, you look ravishing." His hands glide over the black fabric of the floor-length cocktail dress.

Heat sears at your cheeks at his words though you try to remain indignant. Kylo seems to realize this and his smirk only grows. His hand settles on your lower back, guiding you up towards the sets of glass doors. Warmth blasts against your cheeks the moment you step into the grand hall of marble columns and smooth tile. The hum of chatter and music is vibrant as guests linger around their tables and chatter.

The peace is over the very second you and Kylo are spotted.

The two of you are pulled in different directions almost immediately, losing one another in the sea of people prying in your private lives. By the time you make it halfway through, your cheeks already ache from fake smiling so much.

Hands practically fly from all directions, pulling and steering your way through the crowd. Although you try to spot your husband over the sea of heads, it is difficult with how many people are crowding you. They all say the same things and ask the same questions. Touching your dress, telling you how beautiful you looked, talking about their personal lives. Asking how you and Kylo were getting along, questioning his stoic behaviors, and gossiping about possible job opportunities. All too much ass kissing for your taste.

It is a miracle at all that you manage to find your table. As you seat yourself with a sigh, you immediately request some champagne from the waiter. The peace doesn't last long.

You force the scowl from your lips as a very unpleasantly familiar woman sits beside you. Armitage Hux's little wife. You didn't know her name, nor did you care to find out. She was obnoxious and liked to leech herself onto anything that could associate her with power or money. Tonight, that was you.

"Lovely to see you again! My, don't you look beautiful!" She croons, reaching out to grasp your hand.

You force that ridiculous fake smile back on your face. "Thank you. You as well."

"How are things going with Ren?" Her voice is bitterly sweet. "You simply must have Armitage and I over for dinner sometime."

That was never going to happen. You hated her and your husband hated them both. Hux was the very parasite living in Kylo's perfectly running system. A little leech who boasted too much and got drunk too easily. It was no secret that Hux was after Kylo's job. You just hoped he wasn't hanging around him tonight; that would only worsen his sour mood.

"What a lovely ring," his wife smiles widely, gently touching the glittering diamonds wrapped around your finger. "It must have cost Kylo a fortune."

You were beginning to lose your temper with her. Perhaps Kylo was rubbing off on you after all.

"It probably did," you reply coldly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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