I finally did it.

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First off I just want to say,

I didn't expect the story to get this big and I'm so grateful that it got so many reads & votes! I love you all so much and thank you :))

okay now, onto the story!

Me and kyoka had arrived at my room with all the bags and boxes. It was on the third floor, so luckily they had an elevator. "You have so much stuff yaomomo!" She says, out of breath. "Yeah I think I went slightly overboard." I said. I quickly created some scissors, and opened all the boxes as quickly as I could. "Alright, let's get to unpacking!" I told her, already taking stuff out of the boxes. "Do you think we can fit all your stuff in here?" She also started taking all the stuff out and placing it where instructed. "We will definitely have enough space. Trust me!"

"Alright, if you say so." I told her all the places to put the stuff and she did as she was told. It seemed pretty similar to back home by the time they finished. "Huh, everything did fit—" she was in shock that the stuff had managed to fit well, and that it didn't look cluttered. "See, I told you~" I teased. "Yeah yeah you were right." She ignored playfully, before we both jumped on the bed together. "This is so soft!" She exclaimed, it looked as if she was sinking into the bed. "Yeah I love it." I also said, the comfortable feeling of the pillow trapping me inside.

"How can you get all this stuff yaomomo?"she turned her head in confusion. "My parents just have a lot of money I guess, so that's where I get most of it from." I told her. "Oh yeah, that makes sense." She lifted her body from the bed. "So your basically a little spoiled rich kid." She teased her. "Am not!" I took one of the pillows from my bed and threw them at her face. "Ow!" She fell back onto the bed again, with a laugh. I looked out the window, it was getting a bit dark, but still bright outside. "Hey, do you wanna go to a cafe?" I asked her. "Sure! What typa cafe?"

"It's a secret!"

I covered her eyes after we got out of UA, and secretly led her to the cafe where we first met. I thought it would be a fun surprise. "Can I open my eyes yet?" She asked, attempting to feel her surroundings. "Nope, but we're almost there." Eventually once we arrived, I took off her blindfold. "This cafe?" She was confused until she remembered the name. "This was the cafe where we first met!" She yelled, giving me a hug before we rushed inside. We both ordered drinks and I payed for them all, it wasn't too much of a deal anyway. "This was one of the best choices I had ever made y'know?" She silently told me. "What do you mean?" "Because if I hadn't come here we wouldn't met and been such good friends." She giggled, and rested her head on my shoulder. Friends.

"I agree!" I took a sip of the drink I ordered, with butterflies all around my body. I wanted to kiss her so badly. Everything about her was perfect. She took a bite of her croissant, and continued talking. I listened to every word. The sky got darker until all you could see was the starry sky and the moon shining anywhere with a window, and eventually the shop closed. We walked back to UA, laughing and talking all the way. I squeezed her hand tightly the whole way home. We walked into the common room, not anyone in sight. "Oh, we're already back? Awe man-" she groaned. We stood in the common room together, the moon shined through the glass door.

"Can I, can I do something?" I asked.
"Yeah sure, but what is—"

I leaned over her, my hands cusping her cheeks.

"Kyoka, I love you."

I leaned in more, until I was merely a breath away.

"I always have."

My lips touched her soft ones, it felt like heaven. I didn't go rough, scared that she would pull away.

I eventually pulled away. the look on her face, was something I had never seen before. Pure shock. I couldn't make anything else out.

"fuck, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done this. I can't believe I—"

My sentence was stopped by her arms wrapping around my waist. She looked back up at me, her eyes sparkling. "No it's okay. It was,"

She pulled me down and kissed me again, this time it was harder than before. Like it was something she wanted to do for a while. I felt her tongue slip around my mouth as we passionately kissed. Once we had finally separated, there was a string of saliva connecting us.

"It was amazing Momo."

"I love you too." She told me quietly, as I started to cry. She wiped the tears off of my face softly.

"It's okay." She whispered as our foreheads pressed together.

Her arms clasped around my waist and my hands on her face. We just cried.

Tears of insane happiness.

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