Complete Me: Chapter 37

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"Whiskey Izzy."

"Oh..." Violet paused. "Um, well — what does that matter? He's a childish stupid-butt, and I hate him."

Rose sliced into a tomato, cradling the phone between her shoulder and her ear. "Maybe you should just sleep with him."

"What?! With Whiskey Butt-face?! I refuse to wipe my feet on the same welcome mat, let alone share a bed with him!"

"It was just a thought," Rose said calmly. "And the same advice you gave me."

Violet's breathing settled, and she snorted into the phone. "Oh...right. I did say that, didn't I? Well, you didn't take my advice, so why would I — wait...Rose? Did you take my advice?"

Rose froze with the knife poised over half a tomato. " exactly..."

Her sister laughed. "Which part is 'not exactly'? The sleeping part or the him part?"

Rose set the knife down, wiped her hands and held the phone more securely as she turned around to lean back on the counter. "It was the 'just because' part," she said softly.

" fell in love with him, huh?"


Violet sighed again, but with understanding. "That's great, Rose. Really. I hope he treats you like a queen, because you deserve nothing less."

"Thank you, Vi," Rose said, swallowing back the wave of emotion.

"Soooo? How was he?"

"None of your business," Rose said.

"Ah, come on...He has to be pretty good. Cole has one of those smiles, so relaxed and confident...I'll bet his oral game is—"

"And just how did your Whiskey Izzy get tree sap in your hair?" Rose interjected quickly. "What were you two doing against that tree?"

"None of your business," Violet retorted.

Rose laughed. And was still laughing when Cole knocked on her door.

  And was still laughing when Cole knocked on her door

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Cole heard her laugh before he reached her door. The sound of her happiness sped up his feet, eager to see that smile. God, he couldn't get enough of it. He knocked briefly and cracked open her door, peeking in. She saw him, her cell phone pressed to her ear, and there was that smile. Waving him in, she turned away to finish her call, and she said, "I have to go, Vi...try the peanut butter...I'll ask Momma, but I'm sure that will, Violet...because Cole is here...well, you get Whiskey Izzy to smile and try that theory for yourself...good-bye, Violet...I love you, too."

Rose exhaled heavily and turned back to him. "Violet says hi."

"I'm sure she had more to say than that."

Complete Me (Book Three of The Kirkland Family)Where stories live. Discover now