The Calm Before the Storm

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"WE'RE DOING WHAT!" I screamed as Madame Hooch told me the news. Of course this would happen to us. I spend all of my time planning on playing Ravenclaw, every waking moment poured into out-strategizing their bloody strategy and the Slytherin team has to go and pull this shit.

I was going to throng Flint for lying, then I was going to rip Malfoy's arm off so he really has something to complain about. Then, just for fun, I might kill Oliver. This made me so barming mad that I could probably fight a Chimera, skin it alive, and then wear it on my back as a cloak.

"You're going to play Gryffindor instead of Ravenclaw, due to the injury of the seeker on the Slytherin team" Madame Hooch repeated calmly. "In three days."

"But that's not fair!" Oliver roared, leaping up from his seat and smashing his fist against the table. "I've been spending the last month thinking we were going to play Slytherin, when Hufflepuff has a completely different playing style!"

Madame Hooch shrugged. "A sign of a true leader is the ability to adapt to sudden changes. If you plan on making a Professional team, Mr. Wood, I suggest you learn to do so" she said in a sharp tone before walking away. Roger shrugged, obviously glad that he didn't have to play for another few weeks, and followed after her.

I rounded on Flint. "YOU LOUSY, LYING, LOW LIFE! I HAVE IN GOOD MIND TO DROWN YOU IN THE BLACK LAKE, AND THEN FEED THAT BULLSHITTING SEEKER OF YOURS TO A MANTICORE!" I could feel myself shaking with rage as I approached him. Flint backed up and shrugged, truly tempting my to wring his neck.

"It's not my fault that buffoon Hagrid let a dangerous creature into his class. And it's certainly not my fault that it brutally mauled my Seeker" he brushed off and walked past me. "I guess I won't be seeing you on the pitch, Wood."

Thats it.

I lunged for him, something I typically had to do to gain enough momentum to knock over someone his size, but Oliver was right there to grab me before my feet could even leave the ground. "YOU KNOW THAT'S ABOUT AS TRUE AS ME SAYING THAT YOU'RE A KIND, HANDSOME BLOKE, FLINT! GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT ME YOU COWARD? WHAT? AFRAID THAT I'LL BREAK YOUR NOSE AGAIN?! I PROMISE IT'LL BE AN IMPROVEMENT TO YOUR CURRENT SITUATION!" I kicked out at Oliver to force him to let me go, but instead, he laughed.

"Never in my days have I seen a tosser quite like you" he rolled his eyes and dodged my flailing feet. "Perhaps I should sneak a calming draught into your pumpkin juice."

"He's just bitter that I gave him a right bollocking the other week..." I grumbled and stopped kicking out at Oliver. His hands refused to leave my waist, even though I had calmed down significantly. "If you like having a two hands, Wood, I suggest that you stop touching me this instant."

"Just making sure you've calmed down. You tend to have a bit of a violent streak in yah" he let go of me and I stepped away. What was with him grabbing me lately? First the wrist and now this?! Time to make a new rule...

No touching, what so ever. Especially if it's that git Oliver Wood. Punishment is death by elephant. Yah I can do that.

"I wouldn't have to resort to violence if I didn't have to deal with utter morons all day" I grumbled and began to trudge away from him.

"Wait up!" Oliver called after me, catching up in one stride. What was with those freakishly long legs of his? I think he might be part Acromantula, part Veela. "Where are you off to now?"

"Getting away from you" I mumbled so quietly that I could barely hear myself.

"Come again?"

"Going to go strategize for our game. I honestly have no idea how I'm going to teach a whole lesson on Gryffindor game plans in only three days!" I turned a corner and headed for my common room.

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