Nobody Puts Colby In A Corner

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Tryouts were exhausting, let me tell sure. Thank Merlin that at least there was a brilliant turn out, and we managed to find ourselves a decent Keeper. He's a little green, sure, a petite little fourth-year who was nimble on a broom , okay reflexes, and was definitely coachable. Blocked 8/10 shots, which was a hell of a lot better than any of the other contenders we saw today. Herbert? I think that was his name.

Besides that, however, try-outs really just confirmed my suspicions that I had already found the best players available in Hufflepuff. But, of course, the job of a captain is never done. Before I could head off to bed, I had to go and schedule practise for this week before any of the other Captains could take up the prime practice times.

Once the pitch was cleared and everyone had headed back up to the castle, I stumbled into the change room. Rubbing my eyes groggily from the long day, I came this close to stepping on none other than Oliver Wood, himself. He was sitting against the wall, under the sign-up sheet, his play book wide open on his lap and fast asleep. His chest rose and fell, causing some of the papers to scatter away onto the floor. He looked so peaceful, for one not stressed about the legacy of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

It would be a shame to wake him up. Any decent person would awkwardly shuffled around him so he could continue to sleep.

Too bad I wasn't a decent person.

"Wakey wakey Mr.Wood" I said, laying it on thick, as I leaned in close to his left ear.

"Ten more minutes, darlin' " he grumbled, turning away from me.

I couldn't help but snort at his response. I tip toed to his feet, and bent down in order to grab him by and ankles.

"GET UP AND OUT OF MY WAY, YOU PRAT!" I tugged him away from the wall, causing him to lose his balance and hit his head on the floor. It was probably a little harder than I intended, but still pretty funny though. This woke him up for sure.

"What the hell, McCormack?" he shouted and scrambled to his feet. I shrugged, stepping up to the page. Morning practises were probably our best bet this year. They might have to wake up early but at least they'd get their homework done. I'd rather that, than be like Wood and have my team out until midnight.

"I asked nicely the first time" I defended and turned to walk out of the room. It was far too easy for him to follow after me with a single, long stride and catch me by the wrist. "Let me go, Wood."

"Why don't you ever call me Oliver?" he questioned and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You just called me McCormack" I rebutted and tugged away from him. "So I called you Wood."

"I called you McCormack because you call me Wood all the time." We stood across from each other, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.

"What a dilemma... I know how we can solve it!" I backed away from him and out of his reach once more. "How about we just don't talk to each other at all?"

Oliver opened his mouth to speak but suddenly snapped it shut and shifted his eyes to something behind me.

"Well isn't this cute" the voice of Marcus Flint smeared. I turned around in time to catch him sauntering in, his beady little eyes flitting between Wood, I, and the schedule. "What are you two doing in here all alone? Carrying on a secret love affair, maybe?" He joked and pushed past me so he could get to the sheet.

"Sod off Flint, don't you have a satanic ritual to perform? A first year to slaughter?" I asked as I stepped back even further from the two of them. I couldn't stand to be in a room with either one of them for more than three seconds, especially when they were together.

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