meeting kierra part 2

Start from the beginning

Dorinda: Hello ladies, it is nice to meet you both

Myra and Jayda: It's nice to meet your too Auntie Dorinda

Jacky: Hello ladies, it's nice to meet you both and I do cook so if you want anything to eat, just let me know and I will make it for you

Jayda: It's nice to meet you too Auntie Jacky

Myra: I'm her sister and it's a honor to meet you Auntie Jacky. Could you make me and my sister a cinnamon roll?

Jacky: Yes ma'am, I will

Jayda: Could me and Myra help you cook?

Jacky: Of course you can. I do my shows on Saturdays at 5:30pm so I will pick you ladies up and go to my place.

Myra: Thank you so much

Jacky: You welcome daring.

Twinkie: Hello Myra and Jayda, it's such a honor to meet you both

Jayda: It's a pleasure to meet you too Auntie Twinkie and I heard you wrote a lot of songs and I just love every one of it.

Twinkie: Aww thank you Jayda. I do write a lot of songs. What's your favorite song to sing?

Jayda: I like to sing Lord give me a praying sprit. That song has bless me

Twinkie: Okay sing it for us

Everyone was talking loud in the background and Twinkie said "can y'all just be quiet for second Jayda is about to sing praying spirit. Everyone was silent.

Jayda: clears her throat as she sings: Lord give me a praying spirit, a praying spirit, Lord help me to say yesssss, yessss yes Lord. Yesssss yesss Lord. Lord when I pray, give me more to say, Lord when I pray give me more to say, Lord when I pray give me more to SAYYYYYY *as she sing to reach a high note.

Karen: Yes sing your song Jayfa

Dorinda: Sing Jayda

Jayda continues to sing: Yesss, yesss, yesss, yesss Lord. Yesssss, yes Lord. Tell the Lord yes today, Yesssss yessss Lord.

Everyone applauded her and Kierra was in tears and so I go to give her a hug and Myra joined in for a hug

Jacky: Jayda, I didn't know you could sing like that. How did you started singing?

Jayda: Well auntie Jacky, I started singing when I was 5 years old and I used to sing in a children's choir and all these other choirs that I've sang at St. Paul's Baptist Church.

Karen: Oh wow that is amazing.I want to invite you to our church to sing a solo for us.

Jayda: Really me?

Karen: Yes honey, you have a beautiful voice that God create you to be.

Jayda: Aww thank you, I would love too but I'm nervous

Karen: Baby don't be nervous because my mother Dr. Mattie Moss Clark taught us when we were children to don't be too nervous, use your gifts that God gave you and sing it unto the Lord so that's what we did. Just follow my advice okay

Jayda: Wow okay, thank you so much Auntie Karen

Karen: You're welcome baby. She said with a smile on her face and I gave her a hug and she hugged me back and she kisses me on my face.

Dorinda: Jayda you are the best singer I ever heard. You know the muffin man song?

Karen: Now Dorinda don't you start before I beat your tail

Jacky: Yeah Dorinda, don't you act a fool before I tell Greg on you.

Dorinda: Girl stay over there

Dorinda: I'm so sorry about my sisters, they just jealous.

Jayda: That's okay, I know how they are.

Myra came over to me and said

Myra: So what's going on?

Jayda: Girl, Auntie Karen has asked me to sing Sunday at GEI, but I'm nervous

Myra: Girl don't be nervous, you will do just fine

Jayda: *I was shaking with fear and kierra came over here and said:

Kierra: What's wrong Jayda?

Jayda: I'm nervous about Sunday

Kierra; Why sis?

Jayda: Because your mom just asked me to sing a solo on Sunday but I don't which song to do and I just don't know what to do. Starts crying

Kierra: Come here sis. She pulls me for a hug

Kierra: Don't be nervous sis, God is going to be with you no matter what. Me and family are here for you. Please don't cry. I will help you choose the song to sing on Sunday, okay. She said rubbing my back.

Jayda: Ok thank you. I said wiping my tears

Kierra: You're welcome pooh. So you are welcome to come stay at my place as long as you want

Myra; Wow really

Kierra: Yes ma'am so we can all spend time together.

Jayda: Thank you so much Kierra. We are packing our bags right now

Kierra: Ok great. I will be right here waiting

Me and Myra went to pack our stuff and was ready to go and said our goodbyes to everyone as we left. Got in Kierra's car and drove u to her place. We got here at her house and settled things and put some clothes in the drawer. Then I am getting a text from an unknown number. Myra said to me looking at my phone.

Myra: Who texted you?

Jayda: Idk but let me call his person.

Unknown number: Hello

Jayda: Hey who is this?

Unknown number: This is J Drew

Jayda: How did you get my number?

Unknown number: Kierra gave me your phone number to you?

Jayda: Oh wow really?

J Drew: Yeah

Jayda: Oh well anyways, I am in the car with Kierra and Myra. We are staying at Kierra's place because our parents has kicked us out because they couldn't take care of us anymore.

J Drew: Oh wow, that's crazy, you still wanna go out with me tomorrow because I have work to do?

Jayda: Yes I want to go out

J Drew: Alright I will pick you up at 7

Jayda: Sounds great, I will see you at 7

J Drew: Love you

Jayda: Love you too, bye

J Drew: Alright bye.

I said to myself what should I do and what should I wear?

To be continued, stay tuned.

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