Chapter 1: Leaving

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**Disclaimer: Cussing**

~Y/n POV~

As I packed the last of my clothes I hear my bedroom door open

"Hey Mom, Hey Dad" I say without looking up from my suitcase

"Hey Honey, um... so your father and I just wanted to say—" My mom said before I interrupted her

"To say 'Don't forget to call us' or 'don't forget to brush your teeth every morning and every night' or 'don't you dare stay up past 2 in the morning on your phone'" I say interpreting their voices as I cross my eyes and walk around funny

I hear my dad chuckle a bit before my mom speaks up

"No Y/n what I was going to say before you so rudely cut me off was that you need to pack more" she says

"What? Why do I need to pack more? Mom I'm only staying for a semester in Italy, not a whole year" I say as I laugh a little but don't hear my parents laugh so I turn to them

"Actually pumpkin...," my dad starts as he walks over to me and places a hand on my shoulder "you're mother and I raked up some more money....enough for you to stay a year.." he says then gives me a warm smile

"What?! But Dad, Mom, the cost for me to spend just a semester abroad was already $10,000! How much more was it for me to stay a year??" I ask him as my eyes are filled with worry

"It was only $5,000 more" He says as he nervously chuckles and scratches the back of his neck

"ONLY?! Dad! You and mom could've used that money to buy groceries! Or pay rent! No No No! I'm not staying a whole year, just call the school and ask for the $5,000 refund" I say to him

"Honey," my mom chirps in "we only made the extra $5,000 payment that way you could get the whole experience that kids get there" she says as she grabs hold of both of my hands and looks down

"We know life hasn't exactly been the...BEST...since Grandma died but you knew she always loved Italy and how Sh—" she starts

"She always wanted to visit there..." I finish for her, she looks up at me and nods

"Alright...I'll stay a whole year," I start as I see my parents smile wide before I continue "but as soon as something happens one of you better call me and I'm coming straight home!" I say to them

"Promise?" I say to them as I hold out my pinkies for them. They look at each other, nod, then lock their pinkies with mine "We promise" They say in unison

~Time Skip to boarding of the plane~

I sit in the airport waiting chairs as my leg bounces up and down nervously as I fidget with my nails

"Hey Mija, it's gonna be alright" my dad says as he ruffles my hair

I smile and nod as I continue to bounce my leg and fidget with my nails until a hand slaps my fingers away from my mouth

"Ow!" I say as I look towards the owner of the hand

"Stop messing with your nails your gonna fuck them up" my mom says, not looking up from the pamphlet about Italy

I immediately stop and hear my dad chuckle, I playfully roll my eyes and begin to mock him

He mocks me back and this continues for another 30 minutes before I hear my flight number called

My mom looks up from her pamphlet and looks towards me as I stand up and her and my dad follow me

"You take care kiddo, we're gonna miss you a whole lot" my dad says as he gives me a massive bear hug in which I return

"I'm gonna miss you too Dad, and hey don't let the world turn you normal" I say as I finger gun him and he does it back as we both laugh. I turn to my mother who is already in tears

"MoOoOoOom" I say as I suppress a laugh and hug her tightly

"When did you get so big!" She sniffles and I chuckle slightly

"I don't maybe between the day I was born to now?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow

"Do not be sarcastic with your mother!" She says as she lightly hits me with the pamphlet

"Alright before you go I have to set some ground rules...rule number 1 is—" she starts

"Mom I know the rules! You've repeated them to me ever since I turned 12!" I say before I start to interpret her "No KiSsInG bOyS! dOn'T gEt HuRt! No PrEmArDiAl HuGgInG! BlAh BlAh BlAh!" I say as I pose like a zombie at the 'Blah blah blah'

My dad covers his mouth to stifle his laugh as my mom looks at me with the most deadpanned look

"You're lucky this is the last time I'm gonna see you in a year so I wanna enjoy this last minute I have with you" my mom says before hugging me and crying

"Awww Mama, it's ok! I'll be ok, I'll send you and papa millions of photos of Italy, I'll make sure to send you two good mornings and goodnights, and I'll let you, Mama, talk to the owner of the house that I'll be staying at, ok?" I ask her as I pull back and smile at her

My mom sniffles and nods as I hear the lady call for me to board the plane, we have one last family hug before I grab my carry ons and look back at my parents as I wave goodbye and they do too. We continue to wave until I get around the corner and enter the plane (think of what Wreck-It-Ralph and Vanellope did in Ralph breaks the internet)

I go to my window seat and look down at the airport as give one last wave "Goodbye" I whisper as the plane takes off and the airport is no longer in my sight


Alright So first chapter done! Feel free to tell me your thoughts in the comments and please do let me know if you see any grammar mistakes, I'll make sure to fix them

Thanks, Bye!

Alberto Scorfano X Reader X Luca PaguroWhere stories live. Discover now