Lucinda and Lyria

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We Are Friends


I live alone.
In my small home near the slow moving creek, surrounded by flowers. I fend for myself, I get my own food and water, and I live happy. I always have Luci, well 'Lucinda' she hates it when I call her Luci. She always complains that she was given a name and she likes the one she was given. I usually called her Luci anyway.
"It's not that hard to say!" She would argue "it's the same as Luci only with an 'nda' at the end!"
I would always laugh at her efforts, and then end up still calling her Luci.
"My efforts are futile aren't they?" She would say, sighing. I would laugh at that and nod.
"Luci is your name and I'm sticking to it."
She would sigh again and sit down next to me.
"Clearly...." She would mumble and we would end up laughing until our wings hurt.

Her wings were always prettier than mine. No matter what I did to them. Shine them, wash them, or even sharpen them! Hers always had that 'sparkle' to them that made them stand out.
Luci lived alone too, well, except for her brother. Her mother and father had died along with mine in the fire war......but their was no use talking of that yet. Her brother was named Lucas, he has almost white blonde hair, with beautiful light blue eyes and pointy ears to go with it (then again, all the fey had pointy ears) he was skinny, but strong and helped Luci with all the hard chores around the house. He was a handsome boy, being only eight, and he would have made a fine husband someday......
Luci had always been powerful with her magic. She was impressive, but I was better.
I could grow red wood trees with the snap of my fingers. Tree houses, forts, places to hide, anything you can imagine I could have made. My element was nature and earth. I was one with nature, feel the wind, speak to animals, and sing to ravens (which was an incredible gift that many fey found amazing) I was a good singer too, but so were most nature fey, but mother had said I was special, and that I would be better than normal nature Faeries.....something.....great.
Luci was a moon faerie. She could do things with moon light that I wouldn't have imagined possible. She could make things out of it. Little people, dolls that moved on their own, horses of light, and other beautiful things, but mother said that she was also close to the darkness and that she had to be carful of what could happen if she did something reckless.
Our parents were our mentors, and teachers. Luci's mother was also a moon faerie and my mother was a nature faerie.
But then the fire war came and took my mother and teacher, and Luci's mother and father. We were heart broken, I don't know how I made it, much less Luci! She had her younger brother to worry about!
That's when it all started going down hill.

I had started hunting by myself. Father had taut me how to use a bow. I liked it more than a sword or knife because a bow was sleeker and more elegant for me. Swords and knifes were crude weapons, and they were heavy.
I was out hunting, and it was an early bright spring morning. The dew was still wet on the grass and the birds had barely woken up, but nature was already singing its morning songs. I could feel it in my bones. I wanted to start singing along.
I suddenly heard a noise near the bushes. I turned toward them and saw what was moving. A deer was nibbling on some leaves and hadn't even noticed me.
'A deer!' I shouted in my mind 'this could supply me, Luci and Lucas almost all winter!'
I froze on the spot, making sure to slow my breathing and not be loud as I strung my arrow.
The deer still hadn't noticed me and I was a excited. Luci and Lucas would be so happy! As I took aim I thought about what my mother had once said to me.
"Sometimes, things existed so that they could help other things. For instance, your father kills a rabbit to feed us, and then the remains feed the birds." She had smiled then "something dies so something else can live."
I thought of that as I strung the arrow, and took aim at the deer.
When I knew my aim was accurate I mumbled "something dies so something lives."
The arrow flew from the bow as Luci screamed behind me.
"Lyria! No!"

Good and EvilTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang