watermelon sugar high

Start from the beginning

Louis chuckles and pulls out his phone while Harry puts both beers on the table in front of them. He opens his phone and pulls up the first video to show to Harry.

Harry smiles and laughs when Freddie yells out and points to the screen and says, "Dad look, it's papa!"

After the video ends he shows the video of himself and Freddie cheering as Harry walks up to the stage to receive his award. Freddie is deathly silent as Harry speaks, slow, deep voice thanking everyone.

Harry groans and puts his head in his hands, "It was so embarrassing when I realized I forgot my award on the stage."

Louis laughs and kisses Harry on the top of his head.

Harry looks up at Louis suddenly, fear in his eyes, "Please don't tell me Freddie saw the WAP performance."

Louis laughs, "No, of course not. I saw it was coming up so we went upstairs and got Freddie ready for bed while it was playing."

Harry sighs in relief, "Thank god, that's all I could think about when I watched it."

"You worry too much babe. You'd think I was an awful father." Louis puts his hand on his chest in mock insult.

"You are," Harry jokes with a smile. Louis gasps and tackles Harry into the couch, tickling his sides.

"Take that back," Louis says, still tickling him.

Harry laughs and gasps out a 'no' before wiggling to try and escape. Harry gives up and finally squeaks out, "I didn't mean it, you're the best father."

Louis immediately stops tickling him and leans back, straddling his thighs, face beaming. "Well thank you."

Harry laughs and pulls him down into a kiss, finally opening their mouths so their tongues meet. Louis sighs and leans in further, hands supporting himself where he's hovering over Harry.

Harry tugs at the bottom of Louis's hoodie and Louis immediately sits up and pulls it off and throws it somewhere random before leaning back down to reconnect their mouths. Harry's hands explore his bare chest, brushing his thumbs over Louis's nipples.

Louis moans and sits up, making Harry huff out in annoyance. Louis tsks and stands, pulling Harry up with him. Harry immediately wraps his arms and legs around Louis's waist. Louis walks them up the stairs while Harry mouths at his neck and plays with the hair at the nape of his neck.

Louis lays Harry gently down on the bed and turns around to close and lock the door, just in case Freddie decides to wake up. He turns back around and gasps when he sees Harry naked, excluding his pants, and grounding the heel of his hand against the tent in his boxers.

Harry moans and Louis snaps back into reality, immediately pulling off his joggers and kneeing his way up the bed to hover above the younger boy. He slaps away Harry's hand and slips his hand under the waistband to grab at his length. Harry moans and pulls Louis forward for a kiss and moans into his mouth when Louis speeds up his strokes. Louis pulls his hand out and Harry immediately whines, jerking his hips up, searching for friction.

Louis holds his hips down and leans to whisper in his ear, "Hands and knees baby." Louis leans back and Harry immediately complies, arching his back and pushing out his bum, swaying it side to side to get Louis's attention. Louis smacks Harry's cheek and he hears Harry gasp. Louis smirks and starts massaging his arse, careful to avoid his hole. He pulls down his boxers to mid thigh and admires the redness of his cheek where he hit him.

"Lou, please, do something," he hears Harry gasp out. Louis leans over Harry's back, his hard cock settling between Harry's cheeks and opens the bedside drawer to grab the lube laying there.

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