Chapter 7

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[Deku’s pov]

  Today, I was not in the greatest of moods.

First, ALL MIGHT'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE was being put on hold because All Might decided to participate in the search for Izuku Midoriya, y'know, me. So that meant that no more episodes were going to be produced, nor were they going to ever be released, for the time being. 

Second, imagine my absolute shock. when,---- Guess what! They somehow tracked down my passport to find out that I took a flight to Australia, and now they're in Australia doing a whole massive manhunt on me. Do you know how much stress I have to go through now in this country?! Why the hell do they have to find me. It's not like I did anything illegal. It's not like I was kidnapped. They know that I left on my own will. Why are there so many problems just chasing after me?

Why can't I just be left alone in peace? You know what, in the last few weeks of being in the hero school, U.A, I put on a fake and convincing smile to everyone that I meet around there, after I got rejected by Uraraka! The audacity of that fucking bitch, she's been playing me the whole entire time! I have noticed her blushing everytime she engages in a conversation with me, or everytime she gets close to me! She gave me all these hints and I fell for it. She was so perfect before! I did everything She asked me to do!!! How the hell am I supposed to react when I finally confess, and she just rejects me! Then my mother dies because my home got absolutely blown up by the terrorists, and I isolate myself from everyone! Do you know why I isolated myself! Because I wanted peace! Something I basically almost never had in my entire fucking life! I never had anything close to it! Even when I was a little boy, I was ridiculed and physically and verbally abused because I was quirkless. My own childhood friend left me on my own and bullied me because I was quirkless, because I was only a hero wannabe. Guess what you stupid explosive pomeranian bitch!!! I BECAME A FREAKING HERO, and I worked my ASS off for months for these people! Now my mental health has gone down the freaking drain, into the fucking meat grinder because I never got a break, until I was involved with a family and national tragedy.   

VRR! VRR! VRR! VRR! All of a sudden, my phone starts to vibrate again, this time it's from Iida. I think it's time to send an important message.

"Midoriya! How ar-"

"Shut the fuck up, Iida! Tell everyone to come on the phone, and turn the speaker on. I want to talk to everyone now!" I shout. I wait until I have confirmation that everyone can listen. "Okay, everyone's here."

"Good. Now I want you to listen here. I want everyone to know that you guys are some of the worst people that I have ever worked with, in my entire life! I just want to be left alone! I want to live my quiet life without anyone interrupting it! Because all of my life up to this point, I have never gotten peace! I used to be quirkless! I have been put through hell and I have the fucking trama and physical and mental scars to prove it! And oh yeah Katsuki, I know you're flinching over there! I know, you know I’m talking about you! Now, I finally get to have a break and you guys are stopping me! I have not done anything illegal! I didn't break any laws! I’m not a fugitive! And I’m not a fucking ‘on the run’ criminal!” I scream. My breath is starting to falter and I'm on the verge of tears because of how angry I am, “I am so fed up with all of you!!! Just leave me the hell alone!!!!”

After that rant of mine, I angrily hung up and threw my phone across the room. I went to pick it up and carry it to my bathroom. I slamit on the counter, hearing it crack, and I grab the closest thing near me, which just so happens to be a heavy glass decoration, and I smash it onto the already broken phone. And I keep smashing it with tears and grunts coming from my mouth. I was so angry that I didn't even realize that my quirk activated. And when I’m done with my little meltdown. The phone is practically just shards and small pieces of metal. And there's a rather large chunk of the counter that had been demolished. I calm down and let out a sigh, grabbing the pieces of phone and throwing them in the garbage. If I don't have a phone. Then they can't keep calling me, or track me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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