[337 words] Day number 3, Nagisas Pov:

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Kotoko said "Oh my! It's already dark outside... and I'm already tired I'm going to bed, night!" After Kotoko said that we all just decided to go to bed. We hid Monacas phone so she wouldn't find it.

Everytime we go to sleep Jataro raps his arms around my arm im sure it makes him feel safe, comfortable, and warm. But it makes me feel the same way. Sometimes I wonder if he even notice he does it- but either way, I dont mind it, at all. We all fell asleep.

Masaru woke us up by screaming at us. He does that all the time, But this time it was earlier, louder, and he was more excited. It's annoying.

We all got up. I went to go grab Monacas phone, but then Masaru yelled "Hey!! I want to hold it! I'm leader so I should get to hold it!" I rolled my eyes and shoved the phone in his face "There" I said annoyed, he snatched the phone and said "I'm not blind! I can see the phone perfectly fine dumbass!!" I didnt say anything.

"THERES A PASSWORD!" Masaru shouted. Then very quickly after Masaru said that Jataro said "try ihatejatarosom-" "Dont try that-" Nagisa interrupted Jataro "IM GONNA TR- IT DIDNT WORKKKK" Masaru said "HOLD ON" Kotoko said loudly like it was the end of the world. "TRY JUSTMONAKA" Kotoko said in a loud voice, but not as loud as when she said hold on,[YES I GOT THIS IDEA FROM DDLC] "IT WORKED KOTOKO" Masaru said the first thing he did was go to photos



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