[352 words] Day Number 1, Kotokos Pov:

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I layed in bed for a while After I woke up.. then Masaru came in and yelled as loud as he could, "WAKE UP EVERY ONE IM NOT WAKING UP ALONE!!" he said it while stomping on the floor too!

Honestly he should be the one to wake up first, but, Nope! It's always Monaca! We all worship her Because She is making a kids paradise with no demons[Adults] for us and herself!

After Masaru woke everybody up, yes everybody we all sat up. We all sat in the room for a moment waking ourselves up, but, Masaru pretty much dragged us out of the room with force! It's so disrespectful! But I love that idiot, he doesnt know yet. One time I had a dream where he was the prince and I was the princess fighter!

When he dragged us out of the room Nagisa and Jataro were talking to each other like they do every day. they would would be such an adorbs couple!! I'm going to be their biggest supporter! we cant tell Monaca she wont be happy.

Masaru screamed in my ear "WANNA PLAY FOOTBALL" I fell backwards cause he screamed so loud but he stopped me from falling, he was definitely going to say something sweet! but then of course Monaca came in with her wheelchair and said "Ew just stop nobody wants to see tha-" Masaru was brave enough to interrupt and say "Well I'm the leader!" hes so brave to interrupt Monaca like that! But he made Monaca mad I'd rather not go into details but Monaca is definitely scary we have to obey her!!

After Monaca and Masarus big fight me and Masaru went outside, and I told him that Monaca was a stinky poo head for doing that! Nobody likes Monaca it's all acting! And nobody likes stinky poo heads!! We both were outside so long that we both got tired so we went inside and snuggled he makes me the happiest so do my other friends but Masaru gives me a different kind of happiness.

 After Monaca and Masarus big fight me and Masaru went outside, and I told him that Monaca was a stinky poo head for doing that! Nobody likes Monaca it's all acting! And nobody likes stinky poo heads!! We both were outside so long that we both got...

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