𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧

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"Call me Nol"


"It's short for Nolan."

"What are you even talking about?!"

"I think I'd like my girlfriend to call me by my real name from now on."


Shin-ae opened her eyes to the glint of the sun shining over her.

"Morning already..." she mumbled under her breath. She had just finished dreaming about the first time her husband, Nol, told her about his real name. She turned to her side to avoid the shining light but was immediately greeted with a toned back covered with freckles. Squinting, she looked a little closer, inspecting the perfect specimen lying down across her. She examined the freckle-coated back and brushed her fingertips tenderly against it only noticing then the huge bird tattoo that overlapped the back of his neck

"Shit." She bit her lip thinking "That's right, I'm married.".

A faint blush appeared on her cheek as she was still not used to the married life. Despite everything that's happened between them, she still felt a little bashful next to him. Could you imagine that they've been married for over a year now? Often, whenever he'd do something suave, she would knee him in the gut and run away. She was nervous, she never knew what a perfect family was like. Probably this was an after-effect of her trauma from her own family. A deadbeat mother, an alcoholic father, and a weird sister. How was she going to maintain a perfect life with her husband if she was never able to experience it herself? Fuck, schools should consider classes to train kids on this.

"This was easier when I didn't know I had feelings for him..." she thought. To speak more plainly, it took her a while to realize her feelings herself. Once she realized she was falling hard it was torture trying to express herself in front of him. She'd fumble out of embarrassment. And don't even get her started with her rose-tinted cheeks every time he'd flash his annoying smile. She was, in fact, an idiot in love even after marriage.

She took the time to look around their room. Their home was small and simple. Neither of them was like Kousuke, who preferred a big and lavish space. They wanted to keep to themselves; straying away from any attention. They even stayed in a simple neighborhood. Which was ironic considering her and her husband's current positions in the office. The floors were made of wooden tiles arranged in jagged patterns, and the walls were cement-based, covered in a creme-colored wallpaper. But something made their home stand out from the rest, and it was their huge glass window (courtesy of Nol) revealing additional views of the city and the mountains to the east. A frosted glass partition separated the outside world from their home. Thick silk curtains hung from the ceiling. Everything in the room was simple...and yet incredibly important; for their home was the mix of their fulfilled dreams. She turned back to her husband, wondering how they were both able to achieve their dreams together. Frankly speaking, he was an idiot when they first met. She expected him to turn out as a drunk and homeless hobo on some street, still cracking jokes to the passersby.

"How'd I even fall in love with you..." she mumbled and pouted as she continued to stare at his back. She admired how bulky his calves were, his shoulders strong and broad. Each tone of his back muscle looked like steep slopes. Indeed her husband was built. She looked over his shoulder and her eyes traveled up from his chest to his neck, his Adam's apple clearly visible. The butterflies were back yet again. His calm and collected breathing hinting that he was in a deep slumber. Shin-ae smiled softly while getting lost in his handsome features, trying to resist the urge to run her fingers through his hair. She could only bite her lip thinking "I probably found this idiot handsome the first day we met."

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