"I know. Kirstie had to learn a lot too." I started to get out another set of flash cards when there was a knock at the door.

I get up and look through the peephole. I open the door.

"Hey Kirst-"

She walks in. "Did you guys hear?"

"No, wait. About what?"

"The hospital. It's been attacked. Someone set a small part of it on fire and it spread." She says all panicky.

"WHAT? What do you mean? You mean Sam's hospital? Is she okay?" My heart starts pounding.

"I don't know. I just saw it on the news. Avi called down there and they didn't answer."

I feel tears form in my eyes. "Sam. I've got to call her."

I grab my phone and call Sam. She picks up.

"Scott..." She's crying.

"Sam! Sam, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay...the hospital! It-It's on fire!"

She's okay.

"I know. Look, I want to come down there, but I can't. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," She's still crying. "The firefighters are here. I'll text you."

"Bye. I love you."

We hang up again and I'm still shaken. Sam is the coolest teenager I've ever met and I'd die if I lost her.

"She's okay." I tell Kirstie and Mitch.

They nod and Kirstie goes back to her apartment.

I sit back down with Mitch. "Do you wanna do this tomorrow?"


"Alright. I'm gonna go to bed. Come with?"

Yeah. He says and gets up.

We put on our pajamas and climb in bed.

"One more night." I mumble and Mitch kisses my cheek.

"Still haven't packed." I mumble and roll over to hear Mitch already snoring.

I almost immediately fall asleep, not realizing how tired I actually was.

*Mitch's POV*

My alarm starts blaring at 5:00 A.M.

I roll over to turn it off and shake Scott awake.

"Noooooo leave me alone." He groans.

I wish I could yell in his ear right now.

I go to my air horn app and blast an air horn sound in his ear.

He jumps awake.

"Jesus, Mitch. What time is it?" He mumbles.

I put on my glasses. Five.

"Ugh. We have to be at the airport at 6:30."

Start packing. I say, motioning to Scott's empty suitcase and then to mine, which is full.

"Starbucks?" He asks and I give him an uneasy look.

Yeah. Be back in 10.

I grab my keys and head out the door, hoping that I don't get the same girl as last time.

When I get to Starbucks I head inside, noticing that there is a different person at the counter.

I wait behind a few people and slide my phone towards the cashier.

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