| chapter 2: leo ♡ |

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Most people have the same expectations for the life a prince- meetings, work, and other important things to do. Well that may be true, I try to make the best I can out of it.

The spring air felt hotter in Olympus, thanks to the natural heat in the atmosphere of the kingdom. However, I didn't mind to hot air. In fact, I enjoyed it.

"Are you using that?" I asked Jason, pointing to his sword. He looked up at me with a perplexed expression.

Jason is my occasional personal servant, bodyguard, and bestfriend. He and I have a long history together. He's the same age as I am, and I've known him for years. 

"Does it look like there's anyone to use it on?" He asked, looking around.

"Give me that." I snatched the sword away from him.

"Hey, you two." A familiar voice said. My step-sister, Piper, walked in between the two of us.

Piper and I had an interesting history as well. She's been my step-sister ever since I was 10, when her mother married my father. It was 2 years after my mother's death - something I still haven't been able to get over. But Piper, being the caring person she was, helped me in anyway she could. She talked to me, and tried to cheer me up. It made us closer, and also made her one of my best friends.

But then there were the things that made things not-so-comfortable with the two of us. Like when she and Jason liked each other.

To be fair, I liked Jason's sister, Thalia, at the same time. Things worked out with the two of them and they dated for around a year before breaking up for personal reasons. I on the the other hand.... wasn't so lucky. The only time I admit my feelings to a girl she turns we down. Years later, and she still won't let me get away from it.

"What do you plan on doing with that?" Piper asked. I pointed my sword at her and she gasped. "Thalia!"

Thalia popped out from behind the carriage. "Yeah?"

"Give me your sword."

"Why?" She asked, giving Piper her sword.

Piper pointed the sword back at me.

"Oh, it's on." I grinned. We chased each other around the carriage, hitting each other's swords, earning complaints from Jason and cheers from Thalia.

The blade of the sword ripped through the air at the last swing, knocking the sword out of Piper's hand.

Jason gasped and stared at the ground in front of me. Lying on the ground was a lock of dark hair- Piper's hair.

"NO!" A woman shrieked. My step-mother. She hurried to the ground and picked up the lock of hair. She stood up, her blue eyes wide and glaring at the hair.

My step-mom is a middle aged woman with long brown hair a light blue eyes. She's gorgeous. Everyone in the kingdom admires her not only because she's the queen, but because she's so beautiful. Her relationship with my dad is an interesting one. They're in an arranged marriage, which for them is like hell. My step-mom never wanted to marry by dad she wanted to marry his brother, Ares.

So who's your mom? You ask?

My mom died in a fire when I was 8. I survived the fire. My mother didn't.

The kingdom doesn't speak of her much of her death because she wasn't supposed to be affiliated with my father anyways, but every year on the anniversary there's a kingdom ceremony in honor of her. It's the prettiest night of the year. 

My dad met my mom while visiting one of the kingdom's neighborhoods and stopped by her shop. One conversation and a cold winter night later, things happened, and secrets started to have to be kept. Of course, secrets can only stay secret for so long.

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