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Suna's POV

"Rintarō, eat up. I didn't make these for no reason" Osamu scolded. "Eat it, it's already cold."

"Yeah, Tarō! You've been spacing out since you got back with your keys, are you good?" Atsumu asked, biting into his onigiri.

"She's still here. It's like she's never been gone. I wanted to hug her.. to kiss her... to love her all over again, but her warmth was different. More empty than before." I mumbled.

Atsumu raised an eyebrow and looked over at Osamu, who was just as confused.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Atsumu asked.

"I saw Y/n."

Osamu widened his eyes and shook his head. "I think you're dehydrated, take some water."

I pushed the water cup away. "No. I actually saw her, she looked exactly like her. She's the one who gave me my keys."

"Did she sound the same?"

"Well, I don't know. She sounded familiar but with a tiny bit of change in her voice. Somethings bound to change after like.. five years, right?"

Atsumu sighed. "You'll probably never see her again, anyways. Don't stress yourself about it."

"Says you, you're not the one who dated her" I scoffed.

Atsumu rolled his eyes. "Shut yer trap, do you want our help or not?"

"I guess."

"Then stop being rude. Just forget her for now, if you see her again then you see her again. You have Mio now, remember?"

"Yeah, I didn't forget Mio. I'm not hungry anymore, actually. I'll see you guys sometime soon. Bye," I waved, getting up from the table Osamu, Atsumu, and I were sitting at.

"Aren't you going to take your extra food?" Osamu asked.

I shook my head. "Thanks, but no."

Then I walked out and headed to the train station again to get to my shared apartment with Mio.

It wasn't that far. Only 15 minutes I'd say. Our apartment was on the top floor, so you got a clear sight of the city when you looked out.

When I got to our door, I unlocked it and saw Mio washing the dishes while playing a show on the TV.

"Welcome home" she smiled.

I walked over and kissed her forehead. "Hi."

"You okay? You look a little pale.."

As I opened my mouth to say something, I just shook my head. I shouldn't tell her about seeing Y/n. Maybe Osamu was right and I was seeing things, so I shouldn't mention anything.

But what're the chances after almost exactly five years later, I see someone who looks exactly like her and has the same name?

"Where were you after practice?" Mio asked.

"I went to see the Miya's, that's all."

I Still Love You | Suna x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now