Chapter one: The Journey Begins

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A peaceful silence filled the palace; it was rare, usually Shadow and Knuckles also known as Sir Lancelot and Sir Gawain would be arguing over something ridiculous, as Silver cowered in the corner, Blaze comforting him. Instead everyone was in their own spots either training reading or just relaxing enjoying the sunny day. Lime, the newest knight known as Dame Aileen, sat in a tree, the cool breeze tickling the fur on her muzzle as her helmet hung from a nearby branch. "Dame Aileen, me and Silver were headed to the lake and were wondering if you wanted to join us". The fox stretched letting out a long yawn "I'll join you, but please call me Lime" blaze nodded as she and Silver helped her down from the tree she layed in. "It's so quiet that even I couldn't handle it" Blaze chuckled, taking off her helmet "Well that's something I never thought I would hear you say" she joked. The three approached the lake, though they weren't the only ones there, Knuckles sat stiffly against a tree across from them. "Knuckles" the echidna looked up "Silver,Blaze" he greeted ignoring Lime. a rustling came from a nearby bush as shadow appeared from behind it dragging what looked to be a knight "found this knight trespassing" the knight looked to be knocked out. "Shadow what did you do!?" "I hit her in the head" "you don't even know why she was here!" he scoffed. "Then we'll find out when she wakes up." he shrugged as silver and blaze picked up the unconscious knight carrying her to the castle.

Lime stood in the kitchen getting a snack while the rest of the more experienced knights and the king argued over what to do. Her tail flicked as she bit into a juicy apple "they wouldn't let you in on the situation too?" Lime questioned the coyote across the room from her and he nodded. "Lime, Sir Hart, we need you in the meeting room." Silver announced the two following him there. "Lime, Champ good to see you" said king sonic who insisted everyone just called him sonic "This is Daisy from the kingdom of Pyr, do you mind explaining the situation?". Daisy nodded "Greetings knights, were in dire need of help our kingdom is being attacked by creatures said to be made of black smoke" she shivered at the thought "While my mother says we're fine on our own, I'm afraid that is not so". "Were sending a team of you over there to help, on that team is-" sonic started on his list of names as the knight waited anxiously. "Blaze" she nodded, "Knuckles" the echidna grunted in response, "champ" Sir Hart didn't even flinch, "and lastly Lime" the fox froze at her name. Blaze patted her back "it will be fine I'll be there to watch your back" Lime thanked her. "You'll leave tomorrow morning, pack your bags and get your gear together. It will be a long journey, get some rest" everyone left the room beside Sir Lancelot who was most likely going to argue about not being picked to go. Lime headed to her room, making subtle noises along the way. She had a bad feeling about this journey; she wasn't ready yet she had barely become a knight. The dull lighting in the room flickered as she packed for the trip the next day her hands stumbled upon a small green amulet she had since childhood she stuffed it in the bag quickly. Not long after packing she dashed to her bed plopping on the surprisingly cushy mattress and drifting to sleep

The birds chirped loudly as the sunlight filled the room, the fox shot up from the bed in an alarmed manner "Shoot I'm gonna be late!" she stumbled down the hallway putting on the last pieces of armor clumsily along the way "Dame Aileen calm down no ones even down there yet" knuckles shouted from across the hall. Lime skidded to a halt "oh" she took a moment to breath before going on a much slower walk to the meeting room where everyone would join shortly later "your here early?" blaze questioned entering the room silver skipping along behind her "how long will you guys be gone again? I really don't wanna be left alone with Shadow" he paused.'' He's behind me, isn't he?" they nodded and chuckled as Silver let out a girlish screech "you think i don't want to have to deal with you either?" he mumbled. Sir Gawain was clearly amused by this as he entered the room, moments later the room was silent awaiting instructions "i hope your all packed and geared up" sonic started "Daisy will be guiding you on your journey to Pyr" he paused looking to the group "and those of your who weren't chosen will stay here and continue your duty" the group of knights nodded in response. And those who were chosen headed to the exit of the castle "Good luck everyone!!!" Silver shouted, being his usual cheerful self. There was no turning back now.

Attaching her luggage to the saddle Lime sat atop her horse "everyone ready?" blaze asked turning her horse to the rest of us everyone nodded "let's get going then" she turned to daisy who sat on a horse she borrowed for the trip "just this way" she smiled taking the lead, the rest following behind. The silence was killing the young fox as she messed with the reins on the horse, "so what are these shadowy creatures like?" knuckles blurted out abruptly. "Its like its made of a thick black smoke they seem to be mindless but for them all to be achieving this someone must be leading them, that's all i could figure out" Sir Hart scoffed "that information won't help anything" Lime glared at him for his rude remark "actually it tells us that there must be a smarter mind behind this and we need to find them" she informed "I didn't ask for your opinion" he grumbled daisy looked back "guys i think there's a-" "well no one asked you for your attitude either!" Lime barked back at the coyote "guys..." "how did you even make it on the list you know literally nothing you're just a newbie!" he growled Lime jumped back with a look of hurt "GUYS!" the deer in front said. A sudden loud roar came from ahead as one of the shadow creatures earlier mentioned charges towards them, the group split to dodge the attack. Everyone brought out their swords and prepared to take it down, "wait! Do you see that!?" she said pointing at the chest of the creature looking closer Lime realized- it was a gem "that must be its weak spot!" she shouted "guys go for the gem!" she hopped off the horse, sending an attack towards it. The mindless monstrosity of black smoke howled out at the attack before sending his own, slashing his dark misty talons at his opponents. Knuckles took the lead blocking this attack with his sword but was thrown back into a tree in the process the group of exhausted knights continued the attack besides blaze who checked on knuckles. "Are you alright?" she said, helping him up "don't worry about me, worry about them!" knuckles mumbled recovering from the blow. Lime sent a stab towards the gem, nearly getting slashed in the process, "almost there, just one more hit should do it!" she shouted backing up. "I'll do it!" Sir Hart growled, lime let him in front to take the lead as he sent a immense strike directly into the gem, shattering it. "Outstanding job young knights, I can see why sonic chose you to come" blaze chimed. "and why is that?" Lime questioned hunched over catching her breath, "that, you need to figure out on your own" she explained. The fox sighed knowing she wouldn't get an answer from her before mounting her horse again, setting off on the journey. "Excuse me Dame Aileen?" Daisey asked "just call me Lime please, what's up?" The deer took a moment before responding, "if you thought someone was doing something wrong but their family and you don't want to upset them, what would you do?" She froze, pondering about her query "well, I don't quite know what 'I' would do but I think whatever's up you should speak your mind". Daisy fiddled with her reins before taking the lead again, Lime looked around at the group of exhausted knights before spotting champ in the back staring blankly at the ground. The horse the young fox rode slowed down causing her to be in the back, 'No no no stop please' she thought, sighing nervously. "What do you want" he said, not looking up "nothing sorry, my horse moved on its own" . She chuckled trying to get the horse to move but it refused "stubborn horse?" he asked, "yeah" "you need to be more confident the horse can tell you're nervous" he stated "and how do i do that?" he shook his head grumbling something "take a breath just calm down, no need to grip the reigns so tightly, loosen up" he informed. Lime tried this, relaxing herself she closed her eyes inhaling deeply, she told the horse to speed up the horse obeying immediately. "Thanks" she said looking back at the oddly relaxed coyote, he nodded in response before continuing. A loud rumbling noise echoed through the forest, the group froze simultaneously, "I'm sorry that was my stomach" Daisy informed the sudden tension breaking. "Maybe we should rest for the night, everybody tie up your horse and set up your stuff" Blaze concluded.

The campfire flickered furiously like a phoenix protecting its young, "so when did these monsters start attacking?" knuckles pondered. "About 2 weeks ago, at first it was smaller villages but it started getting worse, that's when i came to find help" the fawn responded. "Why find us? How much more can we do?" He warmed his hands near the flame. "Well you are the ones who helped defeat Merlina, well at least two of you did" she shined her helmet seeing her reflection against the metal. An awkward silence fell amongst the knights especially knuckles and blaze. Champ, who was unable to handle this awkwardness stood from the fire "i'm turning in for the night" he stated blandly "maybe we should all do the same" blaze yawned before putting out the fire. "Night everyone" Daisy said watching everyone go to their respective spots, she looked to the stars they glimmered, reminding her of the fireflies she would chase when she was younger.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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