First Day on the Job

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Techno: Get him back in the van now! I'll get some of the medical equipment ready.

(Y/N): Wait! Techno?! (She turned back to you) Did I do good work?

Techno: You both killed it. Now get in the van.

You smiled as Kendo lead you back into Techno's van where she laid you down on a stretcher. She placed a hand on your chest and looked you over. She sighed and kneeled down beside you and kissed your cheek. You slowly turned your head and smiled at her, trying to cheer her up the best way possible. Kendo gave you another smile and leaned back in her seat.

Kendo: You go too hard sometimes, you know that?

(Y/N): She didn't know this. Blame no one.

Kendo: I can blame you for not telling her.

(Y/N): So, you would let those people suffer and die then?

Kendo: know that's not what I meant!

(Y/N): I know.

You sighed and slowly dropped your eyes down. Kendo slid her hand up and cups your cheek. She kisses your forehead again as you slowly passed out from the pain and smoke taking you under.

The next thing you knew, you were slowly waking up at a hospital bay, your parents on either side of you. Your father was the first to notice you were awake and quickly ran over to you to check up on you.

Dracuul: (Y/N)?! Are you ok son?!

Shadowshifter: Please...can you see me, Sweetie?

(Y/N): Ye-yeah. I can hear you guys. Is-is everything ok? What happened to the fire and Kendo and-

Dracuul: Calm down. Breath and relax. The fire was put out safely. Only a handful of minor injuries. Nothing life-threatening. And...unfortunately, you were in that group. Just some minor skin issues caused you to blackout.

Your mother leaned down and hugged you tightly. You hugged her back, trying to return the feeling for her.

Dracuul: You're uncle Vlad did stop by about an hour ago. Took your girlfriend back to Techno's office.

(Y/N): How long was I-

Shadowshifter: About three hours. Again, nothing too bad. The doctors want to release you pretty soon.

You sighed and collapsed back down onto your bed. Both your parents looked at one another with some level of concern and sadness. You pinched the bridge of your nose and winced a bit in the pain. Your mother leaned down and looked you over. You took another deep breath and looked back at your parents with a smile.

(Y/N): I'm ok. You two can go home now if you want.

Your mother looked over to your father with a sad look on her face. Your father shrugged a bit and she looked back at you.

Shadowshifter: Sweetie?

(Y/N): I'm good, Mom. Really.

Dracuul: Son, I know when you aren't at your-

(Y/N): I'm FINE. Ok? Besides, you guys got work to do. I don't want to keep you from that.

Your parents looked back at one another while you had a smile on your face. You gave them a thumbs up and they both sighed and stood up. Your mother kissed your forehead one last time before they headed out. Once they were gone and you knew they would not be back, you grabbed a throw pillow and yelled into it. You failed your uncle again, your father, and now Techno. What would she say to you?! What would Kendo say?!

You grew more and more annoyed with yourself, as you tried to justify how they could forgive you for this. Or perhaps how they wouldn't? Kendo forgave you for stupid stuff sometimes, but you were surprised you two were still together other times. But Techno? Oh man, she was going to kill you for this and-

You saw your phone beside you on the table. You glanced to the doorway to make sure no one was coming in before you reached over and grabbed the device and saw the only notification on there. A text from Kendo.

Kendo: Hey. Just text me when you wake up. Back at Techno's now. Patrol is later tonight if you think you can make it. She's happy you're ok and can't wait to get you back for work. I think we found a good one. Love you.

You couldn't help but smile at seeing that not just her but both of them had forgiven you. So, you did what you could to type back to your girlfriend.

(Y/N): Hey. Woke up a few minutes ago. Docs want to release me later tonight or in the morning. Happy you guys are doing well. See you soon and love you too.

You knew she would respond soon, but you drifted off again shortly after texting her. By the time you woke up, it was morning and a nurse was trying to wake you. Doctors went over different notes and what not and you were released by 9 O'clock and sent out into the world once again.

(Y/N): (Sighs) A new day. A new fight.

You smiled as you walked from the hospital down towards Techno's offices.

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora