Part 35

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~8th March~

"Happy!" you called as you approached him. Right now, T'Challa was standing in front of him, probably having just given him the news. The king sent you a nod, before leaving the two of you alone.

"You're not really going to do this, are you?" he asked desperately and you sighed.

"You know I am. I told you when you had just gotten custody that I would not be easy, I won't blame you if you want an out now." you said and he sighed, pulling you into a hug.

"I don't want an out. But I have to agree, you are not easy." he said before pulling apart and you chuckled.

"Sorry. Morals, ugh." you said with a chuckle.

"Just, be careful, kid." he said and you nodded before picking up your phone with a sigh. "Are you going to call her?" he asked and you nodded again. You dialed the number and she answered after two rings.

"Speaking." you heard her familiar voice say and you sighed.

"Hi, Pepper. Sorry about the new number, kind of have a new phone." you said and you heard her gasp.


"It's me. I think I have some explaining to do and I only have a little bit over an hour to do so... don't interrupt until I'm done." you said.

"Alright, spill."

So that's what you did. You started with the ball, then the attack, then the poison -though you didn't speak of what the poison did. You told her about how you made the call to gather all the heroes while also explaining what the threats were. You told her about the mission Thor and his crew went on and how it failed. You told her there had been a traitor.

You told her about the false phone call and what happened to you after, though you kept out the details. You told her about meeting Mr. Man and being broken out of the facility. About Mr. Man marching into Wakanda and the conversation you had with him. You told her about being in charge of the alliance. About Ward being here and what you found out about the base.

About the mission where you all went into that base. You told her about Clint. About the many deaths and wounds. About stealing the stone and sending Thanos to Bitchville with an arm that isn't working.

You told her about waking up in the hospital. You told her about talking to Clint, meeting Mr. Man again, and the talk with Coulson.

Finally, you got to coming up with how to defeat Thanos. How Shuri found his location. You told her a little about the meeting you had and what was decided.

"You just got shot in the stomach, you should not be marching into battle so soon." she yelled from her side of the call and you grimaced as your ear rang.

"Probably not, but that's what I'm doing. And I know the risks of it all, so I wanted to speak to you. Just in case something goes wrong." you said and you felt Happy's gaze at you while Pepper sniveled.

"Don't you dare die now. You have been through so much and made it out alive, don't let this be what kills you." she said and you smiled, even though she couldn't see it.

"I'll do my best."


The others on the jet were speaking to one another. Some were nervous, straight-up scared, or something else, but all of them were excited. You were too, but it was hard to think about that.

Three jets were leaving Wakanda. You were on the third one because if the others had already started the fight, it would be easier for you to go undetected. But Coulson had called in pretty much all of S.H.I.E.L.D so backup was coming. Since the whole Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D thing, the recourses Coulson has are small, but it is still better than nothing.

What worried you the most is the fact that there are coming more ships and jets at any time and now no one will be able to know if the vehicles are carrying your or the other side's resources.

"Y/N, your opinion?" Coulson asked suddenly and you looked up from your lap with furrowed brows.

"Opinion on what?" you asked and he looked at the others for a second, a smile gracing his lips.

"We were speculating about how big of an army we think Thanos has, your thoughts?" he asked and you thought for a second.

"Around a thousand, I'd say. Possibly more." you guessed and they all stared.

"A thousand? God, my guess was four hundred." Harley said and you chuckled.

"He has been working and preaching about this for ages, I bet he has some followers by now." you told him and he gave a side nod. "Besides, the number shouldn't matter much, it's the quality I'm worried about" you continued and Maria turned to you.

"That's the right thing to be worried about. But there is another thing I've been worrying about." she said and you glanced at Harley, giving him a look that said 'did you tattle?', the string of white in your hair surfacing in your mind. But he shook his head.

"What is that?" you asked and she looked down at you, eyeing the place where the hole in your stomach is located.

"Are you going to be able to run, probably fight, and definitely do harm with that?" she asked and you sighed.

"I once ran around for days with a grazed hip, shot arm, and burns covering my entire back. If I'm being honest, the fact that I only have one burn now makes this feel like child's play." you said with a shrug, but she didn't look convinced. "I know I might be a bit stubborn at times, but I wouldn't risk the safety of the entire world if I wasn't sure I can do this. Because I can do this." you said, allowing her to look you in the eyes to see that you were honest.

You were actually quite a good liar, but Maria had always been able to tell if you were lying or not by simply looking into your eyes.

"Fine." she said and you nodded, leaning back in your seat. The others continued speaking to each other, but you stayed out of any conversations. You hadn't lied to your aunt, but you hadn't told her everything either. You could do this, you were sure of it. But what you weren't sure of is what cost that will be.

You didn't have time to think further about this as the jet made a shaky landing, one that would have thrown you out of your seat if you weren't strapped in. The seatbelt strained against your wound and a small groan escaped your lips, though it luckily got lost in the rumble from the outside.

Everyone got out of their seats and no one was speaking anymore. The group of you made it over to the doors that were just starting to open. You turned to the others with a nervous smile.

"Let's finish this."

1198 words

Frenemy of Spider-Man (3/3 Y/N Stark's story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin