Part 33

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~7th - 8th March~

Your hand ran over your face as you made your way to your room. As soon as the meeting with Mr. Man had ended, you had made your way to T'Challa and Okoye. Once there, you explained what was talked about during the meeting and that he was definitely going to figure everything out in the nearest future.

It wasn't until they had promised that they had it under control that you left, tired. You hadn't slept since you woke up this night, which was around 1 am. It was now 11.14 pm and all you wanted was to go to sleep.

You opened the room to your bedroom and turned on the light, revealing Harley, sitting at the corner of your bed with a confused look on him. You jumped at the sight, shoulder bumping into the wall by the motion. You blinked a couple of times, before remembering your promise.

"Sorry, I forgot. Mr. Man is onto this whole ordeal." you explained and he frowned.

"I didn't mean to scare you. You forgetting isn't going to stop the explanation from coming, is it?" he asked and you tried to smile.

"Of course not, I promised." you assured him, sitting down beside him while pulling your hair free from the bun; no point in hiding it now. "I can't be sure why it's white, but my guess is Marie-Antoinette syndrome." you explained, voice trailing off at the thought of what your words meant.

Marie-Antoinette syndrome is based on the idea that during the night before her execution, the queen of France went through so much trauma that her hair turned white overnight. If this was the case with you and people found out, they would consider the whole 'you being tortured' thing bigger than you felt it was.

"How long have you had that?" he asked and you grimaced.

"Since I got back from Nigeria." you told him honestly and his eyes widened, looking kind of angry as he stood up.

"You have been hiding this from everyone for that long? Why? Why would you do that? Why not just tell us?" he asked and you looked down.

"I knew that if they knew, they would overreact and probably stop me from helping in this war, which is the last thing I want." you said and he chuckled humorlessly.

"It is not overreacting. You were tortured, Y/N. Tortured! It is a big deal. And maybe you can't see that because you have this strange view of yourself that makes you think you should be unbreakable. But you're human, you break. More importantly, you need a break." he said and you rolled your eyes.

"I had eight months." you countered and he scoffed.

"I would hardly call that a break since you were mourning your father and you had just lost your best friend." he said and you flinched. You hadn't allowed yourself to think about Peter since you talked to Happy about May.

Now, everything came back at once. The pain in his eyes when Thanos used the stones on him, the panic when Thanos used him to get what he wanted from you, the look when everything that made him him disappeared, accompanied by the sound of bone snapping. His face went blank as he saw your track of thoughts display on your face, along with the tears forming in your eyes.

"I'm sorry... I didn't think." he said as he stepped over to you, placing a hand on your arm.

"It's alright." you assured him, though the truth was that nothing was alright.

"No, it's not. But I'm here for you if you need me." he said, sitting down next to you once again, this time with his arm around you. You nuzzled your head into his chest as the tears started falling and sobs escaping.


You woke up at 9 am, alone. You had fallen asleep under your cover while Harley was laying on the cover, arm around you as your head resting on his chest. When he woke up and left, you woke up momentarily, but he explained that duty calls and that you should go back to sleep, so you did.

Now, you got ready in a hurry. All you wanted was to go to the lab to work on a new idea. It might be stupid, or the key to defeating Thanos.

What made you worried was how simple the idea is, but the fact that it is simple doesn't change the possible use of it.

As soon as your hair was brushed and up into its usual bun, you put on your shoes and ran straight to the lab. Only a little sweat broke through by the time you reached the lab. Shuri was already there, working hard with what looked like locating someone. Probably the family. But she stepped back from her work when you entered.

"Why the rush?" she asked as you shuffled over to your desk, picking out some simple materials to make your idea into reality.

"Just some inspiration flowing." you answered simply and could feel her gaze on you as you searched around for the other things.

"Uh-huh. That inspiration couldn't possibly be for something important that you should probably share about, could it?" she asked as you found an ultra-strong heater that could get the right metals up to around 300 °F.

"Probably is." you agreed, before turning around to face her. "Give me an hour to work on this, and I might just have the weapon to bring Thanos down." you said and she grinned with widened eyes.

"Wha- uh, how?" she asked, before shaking her head to clear her thoughts. "What do you need?" she asked and you shrugged.

"If the scanner is ready, we should locate Thanos. Once the weapons is ready and we know where he is, we should call for a meeting with the others." you said and she smiled, excitement evident in her eyes.

"Let's bring this sucker down."

1000 words

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