Part 31

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~7th March~

You closed the door to your room behind you with a small sigh, relieved to be without all the extra audience.

During your eight months living here, you had made many friends and the people who were not your friends were more of allies. All of them seemed to have a sort of respect for you and they had all gotten worried when you came back wounded. Now most of them wanted to see for themselves that you were well and walking... though well might be a bit of a stretch.

You hurried over to your dresser and pulled out some clothing. Comfortable, yet formal enough. You then walked into the bathroom, leaving the door ajar.

"First things first, I have an idea of how to find Thanos. This time, we will be a step ahead." you said loud enough for Shuri to hear.

"What is it?" she asked and you smiled to yourself while pulling the hospital gown over your head, revealing the bandages.

"I want to expand the ratio of the stone/gamma scanner." you said and you heard her gasp.

"If we attach it to a satellite and raise the number of particles it sends out, give me three hours and it is done." she said as you pulled on the shirt and started buttoning it carefully, hands shaking slightly from... something. Anxiety, grief, excitement, pain, or something else entirely.

"Good, once we are done talking, I want you to go and do just that. But I have more." you said and there was only silence for a while, maybe she had nodded, thinking you would see it. You made a quick move of pulling on your pants and buttoning them.

"What else?" she asked and you sighed. There was so much you wanted- no, needed to talk to her about, your best friend. But you couldn't, there was not enough time.

"Just before I knocked Barton out, I made him a promise. I told him I was going to save his family, I intend to keep that promise and I need help in locating his family to do so." you explained as you pulled on socks and shoes. You also brushed your hair, before putting it into the same sort of bun as you usually wore these days, to hide the white string.

"I think that was a bit of a stupid promise to make since you don't have control over if they die or not while you're not there. But okay, I'll help you find them." she said and you sighed in relief. You opened the door to the bathroom and went out, pulling her into a brief embrace.

"Thank you." you whispered and she hugged you back before letting go.

"No problem. Is there something else you wanted to speak about?" she asked and you shook your head slowly. Despite pushing everything aside right now, it felt like there was still something you were missing. As she started opening the door to leave, it came to you.

"Oh right... I kissed Harley." you said and she froze. She stood completely still for a whole minute, before slowly turning around and closing the door behind her.



"Remember, no one is going to force you to do anything you don't want to do. You will go in once you're ready and if it becomes too much, knock twice on the door and we will let you out." T'Challa assured you for the millionth time and you smiled an honest smile. Maybe he was saying it too many times, but it was nice to know how much he valued your comfort.

"And remember, no one will blame you if you decide to clock him." Happy inclined and you laughed.

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you, guys. But I think I'll be fine." you said and they both nodded. T'Challa hurried off to watch you from the cameras in that room, while Happy stayed here in case you were to knock to get out.

You took a deep breath before opening the door. Inside the room was a small table, two chairs, and a bed in the corner. Right now, Clint was sitting in one of the chairs, cuffed to the table.

"Y/N-" he said as soon as he saw you and you closed the door. Moving slowly to the chair and sitting down.

"Did you know that my mom once told me about the first and last mission she ever did with you?" you asked after a minute of silence and he seemed taken back, but didn't interrupt. "She told me that you were an annoying prick, but that you made up for it by knowing your duty and being ridiculously loyal." you continued and a small frown found his face.

"You must be incredibly disappointed to see that I am not those things." he said and you smiled slightly.

"We both know you're a prick. Considering how you betrayed everything you believed in and several of the people you care about for your family, proves the other things. As a father and a husband, your duty is to your family, your loyalty is them too. You were also loyal to Nat for not pulling her into this mess, despite knowing she would do it for you and your family. You may not be the smartest, but you're a good person." you said, speaking in a soft voice.

"Thank you, for being so... merciful. But I wounded you, you have every right to react differently." he said and you nodded.

"I have that right and quite frankly, it would be the normal thing to do. If I were normal, I would be crying or screaming right now. Because it is true, you wounded me and if I'm being honest, it hurts like a bitch. But there are worse pains." you said with a shrug.

"Yes, there are." he said and you nodded absentmindedly.

"Personally, what hurts the most is the loss. You and me included, we were twenty who went on that mission. Only eleven made it back alive and no one without damage. There is a big chance that the casualties would have been less than half of that if Thanos hadn't been alarmed before we got there." you said and he flinched.

"Yet, I don't hold a grudge. I think you did the wrong thing for the right reasons and I would quite honestly have done the same in your situation. So I really don't blame you. However, I think you blame yourself. The thought of what you caused is probably tormenting you and everyone who is left to be wounded by it. I think you should help us because this might just be your only chance of redemption. What do you say?" you asked and he thought for a second, before looking you straight in the eyes.

"What do you want to know?"


"You did great, kid." Happy said as soon as you stepped out of Clint's cell and you offered him a small smile, hoping your tiredness would not show.

"Thanks... what time is it?" you asked and he stopped to check his watch.

"8.50, you have over an hour before meeting with Mr.  Man." he assured you and you nodded, eyes catching sight of a movement from the corridor leading to you. It seemed like someone was waiting just behind the turn.

"Great, I'm gonna go get some water. See you later?" you asked, eyes absentmindedly focusing on the turn.

"Of course. I think T'Challa wanted to talk to me in the surveillance room either way." he said and you nodded slowly, before walking off. As soon as you were too far away for Happy to hear you, you said;

"You know, if you plan on cornering someone, don't be this easy to spot." you heard a small sigh from behind the wall before Agent Coulson stepped forward.

"You're right, I'll work on that. As for now, I would like to speak to you about how you were able to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D." he said and you groaned internally. You should have seen this coming, but you had honestly forgotten. Instead of showing your frustration, you said;

"Lead the way."

1371 words

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