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"My dearest, sexiest red book, can I, with your due fucking permission enter the fucking game?", Noelle asks in the corniest way possible as I can feel two palms pressing over mine on this book with a red cover.

"Elle, shut the fuck up if you don't want your ass kicked.", Elianna warns her like the hundredth time since we started playing this game. I was the og planner of this as it's christmas eve and the rest of us has nothing better to do, well they don't at least. It's like midnight or something. We should be baking cookies or worse, praying. But as the semester got the best of me and I had to spend my Christmas in the dorm alone this year, my three best friends concluded that they'd rather keep me company than be with their family. Well two of them mainly. Violin's boyfriend lives like ten blocks down the street, that's all of family she's left with.

Like she heard my thought, light fills the room as Vi walks in, hands on her waist. "Seriously guys?" Yep she's pissed. "You two were supposed to make her complete the work, not get along with her ideas of playing stupid paranormal games." Yep. I'm dead.

"Thank fucking god you're here. Look what they were making me do for fuck's sake.", princess Elianna plays puppy, you could sense the pure hint of delight in her voice. Even though she's a tough one and survived hell, for some reasons, these paranormal crap scares the shit out of her.

"Hey, you agreed.", Elle says. If I hadn't known her I'd almost believe she was offended.

"Out voted you mean.", Anna says clenching her teeth crossing her arms around her stomach, almost like she was offended. Well, because she was. "Okay stop you two, seriously you had one job. Now Scarlett what do you have to say about this? How far are you done with that thesis?"

Shit. She called me Scarlett, not even Lottie, let alone Scar.

"Almost." I say in the calmest, coolest way possible. "How far is almost?", she sighs. By then, Anne and Elle had left for the night to their room across the hall. "Two pages." I reply, feeling guilty now, my eyes locked on the floor carpet. These girls stayed here for Christmas so that I don't feel lonely, and here I was not even doing the task that put me here in the first place. "Okay. Let's start again.", she grins making me all comfortable again.


As we start reviewing through the last two pages I wrote, V was pretty impressed by work that I hadn't written yet. I just did the research. All that was left was to type in and email it to my professor. When we first started at NYU I never thought this would be so tough, and I really don't know what I'd have done without these three.

I've known Violin literally my whole life, since we were four to be more precise. And I first met Noelle when I was in fourth grade. Going to NYU was first V's idea. Her legit middle school boyfriend Zayn moved to New York, Zayn and V, they've been in love for so long, so it was no surprise to me that V wanted to go to school here. So, V applied which made me and Elle do it too. Lucky for us, we all had good grades and more importantly good connections. V never had to try those because she simply didn't need any, she's fucking talented. But it was different for I and Elle. We're the daughters of New York's finest. Even though we grew up in California, our family has business up here. Hey, I'm not saying we don't deserve to be here, both us had straight A's all through our highschool, but you know, dads, they would do anything to sure their daughters got what they wanted.

Elianna on the other hand, is a whole other story. She is my mother's goddaughter. She grew up in Boston, we used to video call all the time when we were kids even met a few times when my mother was alive. But after my mother passed away, we kinda drifted apart. I was surprised when I first met her here. Her family was just like mine so I always thought she would be the girl who would end up in Yale or one of those fancy pants ivy schools, but here she was, Elle's roommate, small world I suppose.

"Finally.", I exasperate. "About fucking time.", V sighs. "What time is it even?", I ask V even after the clock is right infront me. "3 am. Promise me, you're never, ever in the next three years of your life procrastinating like this again. Like ever."

I smirk at her silly remark. I as well as her, we both are very well known to the fact of this happening again. Like duh, did she forget the last four years of highschool with me? What about middle school?

"Do you want coffee?", I change the subject. "No, sleep is what I want." And just like that she plops her tall frame on the bed that's across mine. "Goodnight V", I smile as I witness my roommate finally plunges into her bed after a long day. "Merry Christmas Scar.", she says through her drowsiness, her voice giving away how much exhausted she actually was.

I take that as my cue to grab the blanket and sit on the area adjoined with our window. The white flakes coat every corner of it, in a slow yet rhythmic fall. As I stare at the gigantic mess of a city, I reminisce every small detail of her and my father. She was so perfect, with her flaunting jet black hair, eyes as foxy as Van Gough drew them himself, the most beautiful smile even without a dimple. The warmest hugs that she stored in her arms. I think of it all, and how I would never want them again.

Bear with me. I had exams.

Cigarette Daydreams [H.S]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें