The surrounding area gradually became dark, the unidentified girl lay motionless on the ground, and exhaustion and fatigue had reached their peak. However, it seems as if a miracle is bound to happen for her. She feels her consciousness slowly returning, and with a tired gaze, she raises her head to be faced with a mirror.

It was a mirror that reflected an illuminated, bright green flame. She sighed as she tried to push herself up from beneath the ground. Every nook and cranny of her body ached in excruciating pain. Gritting her teeth, she looks ahead; tears remain in the corner of her eyes.

A lovely and noble flower of evil

Standing up slowly, she holds her forearm, looking at the mirror in complete curiosity. She limped forward, her breathing becoming more stable as the warmth of the room enveloped her entire body.

Truly, you are the most beautiful of all

Is it the devastation of dying? The feeling where one does not wish to have eternal death await them? Therefore, they can't help themselves but cling to the smallest glimmer of hope. She went a step further, clinging to the last possible miracle that was presented right in front of her.

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Unknowingly, she reached for the mirror, feeling the warmth spreading across her body. The ashen-haired female feels her heart leap in joy, and... Huh, that's odd. Somehow, she could feel her memory slipping from her head. What's this all about? Everything she enjoyed, her entire journey, is... dissipating?

Panic rose up inside her mind as she tried to grasp the slipping memories. No, she can't forget now!! At least give her the slightest memory of herself. Trying her hardest to say something, just one word, but... Her eyelids somewhat grew heavier, drowsiness washed over her figure, and the next thing she knew, she felt herself falling to the side.

Who's the...

A small black carriage came into view. It was making its way down a dark road. It kept driving, each pebble being rolled by its wooden tier. The crippling sound of the horse steps, making echoing sounds on the silent road. There was nothing else but the mysterious black carriage, which appeared to be transporting something inside.

The full moon illuminated its greatness, showering the pitch-black night with its light. The goddess herself had come to visit at night. From across the vast galaxy, it keeps an eye on its nocturnal children. Where one depends on the moonlight for guidance.

Those who are guided by the dark mirror

A pair of eyes flutter open, tiredly gazing out from within the window carriage. The sight of a gate, along with a unique castle inside, piqued her interest. A small yawn escaped her lips, and she closed her eyes once more. The drowsy feeling had not even once disappeared for the time being.

As long as your heart desires,

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