Time that pass..

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Calvin pov:

i walked in the compound seeing them all tied up and unconscious I ran to hope she was still breathing soon i hear footsteps and  i turned around

"Hello son "- Valentine

"What are you doing here?"- i say as i took out my sword

"Ahhh the Morgenstern sword good to see you still have it"- He smiled

"So you care to tell me how you brought down the Original family and bring them to what looks like a slumber and tie them up like puppets"- Sebastian

"I needed to talk to my son alone "-  Valentine

"So what it is you wish to talk to me about my wonderful father"-Sebastian

"Join me my son let's bring down the clave together since we are family of course "-Valentine

"If there is one thing i am certain is we are not family i rot in hell literal hell so you do not have the right to call ourselves a family so i suggest you leave with your shadowhunters cause i turned my back on everything already and i am happy where i am so before i kill every single one of you GET THE HELL OUT"- I say as i see shadow hunters appearing from the circle the people that have turned their back on the clave

"You are my son and always will be so have at it my lovely shadowhunters why not you lot teach my son a lesson"- He smirked and a portal opened and he walked in

"is been long since i have killed"- I smiled and let's just say after a while i have finally managed to live up to my name a demon the originals began to wake up

"Mind if we join Verlac?"- Klaus

"Honours is mine "-I smiled , they freed themselves and we finished off the shadow hunters in the compound as I stabbed one a last shadow hunter appeared As Klaus was about to lunge to him I stopped him

"Good to see you again my old friend "- Jamie

"I see you side with my father well sorry if your army is well asleep "- Sebastian

"I'm just here to give you this consider it a birthday gift well a late one that is " - he says throwing a small box to me that was wrapped nice

"Anything else you wanna say?"- I asked

"Once a morgenstern is always a morgenstern"- Jamie says then walking in a portal , we cleaned the place up and I sat on the stairs playing with the small box that was apparently a present to me , I opened it and it was a ring on the box it engraved the phrase that Jamie told me I sighed and just stared at it , I went to my room and placed it in my drawer Freya then came in telling me that she needed some ingredients for a spell I took my jacket and went to find the ingredients she needed ....

4 months later...
Hope pov:
Is  Christmas today we just finished decorating the compound and got things all set up I'm in the kitchen helping my uncle Elijah cook dad and uncle Kol came in taking a Bite of the food I chuckled and went to my room and got changed and cleaned up getting ready for a mikaelson Christmas dinner we were now gathered around the tree as we waited for my mum and dad help Uncle Elijah set up the table I looked around and realised that Sebastian was nowhere to be seen

"Where's Sebastian?"- I asked my aunt and uncle

"Think his in his room "- Uncle Kol

"You know come to think of it I never see him when it comes to these type of holidays "- Aunt Freya , I told them I'm gonna go talk to him , I knocked on the door and he told me to come in he was sitting on his bed reading

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