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Sebastian pov:

I am sitting in my apartment , today i Sebastian Verlac are gonna let the Clave do what they want to do to me i might as well give up now i went and grabbed my jacket and decided to take a walk at the park i walked around enjoying the night sky as the moonlight shines on me i see a bench and i just sat there and like i had predicted i was surrounded by shadow hunters and well don't you look at that , the gang is there yipee

"Sebastian Verlac you have created crimes that..."- I cut Alec Lightwood off

"Yea yea i know the drill just take me " - i say standing up and surrendering

"What are you playing "- Isabelle questioned me as she points her whip at me

"Nothing just nothing worth living for anymore"- I smirked and glanced at Clary 

"Well then that was easy "- Magnus , they then cuffed me and locked me up i was sitting in my cell well not really a cell it was a better looking one and one side was just glass where i can see them , least i got a small ball i could play with i threw it on the wall and waited for it to bounce back soon one of the guards tell me I have a visitor I just stayed silent , and continued playing even when I heard footsteps very familiar ones I just ignored it and continued throwing my ball Moment of silence then came

"What do yo want Clarissa "- I say putting my attention still on the hall I was playing with

"What are you up to Sebastian?"-Clary

"There's nothing up "-Sebastian

"Lies who do you think your fooling"-Clary

"I'm not fooling anyone when there is nothing to fool"-Sebastian

"Then why did you surrender so easily "-Clary

"Cause there is nothing left so I might as well give up right "-Sebastian

"I know you Sebastian there's something "- Clary I had enough and I threw the ball with all my strength I stood up and turned to the glass where she is standing I walked closer

"You don't know me so don't act like you do you don't know how much I went through, the pain I had to endure, the pain of seeing the person I love with someone else "- Sebastian

"You don't know what love is Sebastian you hurt so many people and you say you do it for love that's not love your just a demonic jerk "- Clary

"Your right I'm a demonic jerk that's why I give up so easily you know just leave "-Sebastian I then went back to my corner and started throwing the ball i hear her footsteps then fade I can't believe she called me a Demonic jerk I surrendered for her thinking maybe then she will look at me differently but no she is like everyone else

Fast forward to my hearing day the guard was suppose to bring me but then Magnus Bane came in

"Why are they sending a warlock here "-Sebastian

"Well good news for you the clave has come to a discussion to let you go "-Magnus

"Under what terms "-I questioned

"You leave and never show your face ever again and if you ever cause a harm to any living person mundane or not you will be executed "-Magnus

"And why the hell would they do this I murdered innocent lives and all the demonic shits "- Sebastian

"Guess someone vouch for you "-Magnus

"Guess someone did "- I smirked

"May I offer some wisdom "-Magnus

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