Chapter 49 Nighttime meet up and drama.

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Hyde and Tsubaki were trying their very best to keep their giggles🤣 quiet, but weren't doing a very good job.

Sakuya just put his hands into his pockets and walked up to the others leaving Tsubaki behind.

"But it's funny! After all these years Misono and Mikuni finally greet each other nicely for once🤣🤣!" Tsurugi said still laughing and ignoring all the people, who where still glaring at him.

Then Shuhei walked up and looked down at his husband, then at everyone and then looked at Yumikage😒. "Why is Tsurugi laughing like he is dead?" He asked Yumikage.

"Hey! I'm not dead😩!"

"I don't know, Shuhei😒!" Yumikage answered Shuhei ignoring Tsurugi.

"Stop ignoring me😫!"

"Junichiro can't make it, unfortunately." Shuhei told the others also ignoring Tsurugi.

"What did I say😫?"

"Say something, Tsurugi🤨?" Yumikage asked Tsurugi and glaring at him.

"No, Yumi-chan😅!" Tsurugi sweatdropped and jumped to his feet.

"Good😌!" Yumikage smiled.

Misono then realized that everyone was still outside. "Come on in everyone😊!" And everyone walked inside just as Lily was walking downstairs his shirt still crumpled and half unbuttoned from the earlier event with Misono.

Lily smiled😊 and said, "Hello everyone. You are probably tired, so rest in the usual rooms and we'll talk in the morning." Then Lily walked down the remaining steps to stand with Misono.

"I want the bed close to the window this time😆!" Hyde shouted as he sprinted up the staircase.

"IN YOUR DREAMS💢!" Licht shouted and sprinted after him.

The Sloth and Melancholy pairs followed chuckling🤣.

Then Yumikage stormed up the stairs mumbling something about "texting Junichiro" and "peace and quiet" and "sleeping."

Shuhei dragged Tsurugi upstairs to either have some fun or lecturing as usual.

Then the Pride pair went up a few minutes later.

"Not going up to bed little bro😐?" Mikuni asked following Misono into the lounge.

"Nah. Just in case some of the others arrive later tonight😔." Misono explained sitting down next to Lily.

"Who else is coming🤔?" Mikuni asked curiously.

"We are still waiting for the Wrath and Gluttony pairs, none of the subclasses could make it though😔." Misono explained.

Mikuni was about to say something when there was a knock at the door🚪. Misono, Mikuni and Jeje went to the door🚪 while Lily sprinted up the staircase.

"Hello, Iduna and Freya!" Misono😊 and Mikuni😁 said in unison greeting their friends.

"Hello, Misono. Hey, Mikuni🙂!" Iduna hugged the two brothers.

"Hello, older brother🤗." Freya greeted Jeje with a hug.

"Hello, Freya!" Jeje greeted hugging his sister back.

"Come on in! You must be tired so the usual rooms have all been prepared😅." Misono said as they were back standing at the bottom of the staircase.

"Ah. Where is our room again😳?" Iduna asked embarrassed.

"Right. LILY! Get down here😫!" Misono ordered.

Lily popped his head around the corner at the top of the staircase trembling. "Y...yes...M...Mi..Misono😰?" Lily stuttered.

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