Chapter 49 Nighttime meet up and drama.

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Hey everyone!
Here is the latest update!
I'm sorry it took so long to write.
I was just very busy with school.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


It was 9:00⏰ when Misono and Lily heard the door bell. Both got dressed and Misono rushed out the door🚪 and was the first one downstairs. He was walking fast compared to how much he was hurting due to having sex with Lily, but this was important so he wanted his friends inside fast. Plus, it was very rude to keep your friends waiting outside.

When Misono opened the door he was not very surprised to find a certain pissed off angel👼 of destruction kicking a certain laughing hedgehog🦔, who was amazingly dodging all the kicks that was thrown at him. Misono still couldn't understand how he could dodge the angels kicks. Probably from years of practice.

Then across from where the two were standing on the porch a certain housewife, who still didn't understand why everyone kept calling him that, even after all these years, was telling off the lazy cat🐈, who was happily perched on his shoulder. The two get along better now than they used to be.

Standing on the steps was a tall certain person, who still worked at his family's hot springs was chatting to a short kid with lots of pride sitting on top of the familiar coffin.

And lastly behind them chasing a laughing fox🦊, who was acting like he was having the time of his life, was a green haired famous author, who looked like he was not enjoying it one bit. Misono stepped outside catching everyone's attention.

"Hello everyone🙂!" Misono greeted cheerfully. Not noticing that other people had started to arrive.

"Hey, Misono. Your looking well😊!" Mahiru greeted his friend hugging him.

"Thanks. You too, Mahiru. Licht please don't break anything😒!"

"Sorry, Misono😅." Licht walked up to hug Misono ignoring Hyde who was now lying on the ground groaning in pain, cause he was too slow in dodging one of Licht's kicks.

"Hey, Misono🙂." Tetsu greeted as he walked up the last few steps and was standing on the porch as well.

Misono was about to reply when someone familiar wrapped his arms around Misono. And that someone was none other than his bastard of a older brother. "Hello little bro😌!" Mikuni greeted as he rested his head on Misono's shoulder.

Jeje was standing leaning against the doorframe.

Misono smiled😊 and turned around surprising his big brother and embraced Mikuni back, resting his head on his chest. "Hello, Mikuni!"

Everyone had stop arguing and was watching the boys smiling😊.

Then at that moment three other people had arrived and when one saw this very rare moment he immediately started laughing🤣 and ruined the rare moment.

"Tsurugi stop laughing💢!" Yumikage scolded the black haired boy, who had started laughing like a clown, so hard that he had fallen down and was now rolling on the ground still laughing😂.

Upon hearing Tsurugi laughing Misono let go of his brother blushing embarrassed😳.

Mikuni glared😠 daggers at Tsurugi for ruining the only moment where Misono had hugged him back instead he pushing him away.

Mahiru was just watching Tsurugi unimpressed😑.

Kuro mumbled how tiring and what a pain this was😠.

Tetsu and Hugh were watching Misono sympathetically🙁.

Licht was too glaring😠 deadly at Tsurugi.

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