Drop nodded and tapped the purple-haired teen on the chest with the Nerf gun. "That's why I want you on my side."

Shinso sighed. "For my quirk, right?"

"What's your quirk?"

The lavender teen gaped at him. "You don't know what my quirk is? Then why'd you want me to join?"

Drop shrugged. "You're cute and you kind of remind me of Shouta."


"Flirting is his default setting." Someone said from the door and the two turned to see Kirishima standing there with a smile on his face.

Almost instinctively, Shinso snatched the Nerf gun from Drop's hands to aim it at the redhead. "Let me see your hands."

Kirishima did as he was told, showing the two that he was unarmed. "Aw, man, I wanted to get you on our team!"

"Too bad." Shinso said with a small smirk, deciding to just go with Class 1-A's antics for now. Once Kirishima had walked by them, Shino stepped out of Drop's grip that had been keeping him in place and made his way to the seat Aizawa-sensei had said would be his the day prior. He kept the Nerf gun hidden underneath his desk in his lap and decided to wait to see if Kirishima would tell anyone about his sudden allegiance with Drop.

Bakugou was the next person to enter the classroom and he threw his bag down before sitting at his desk. He gave a deep sigh when Kirishima greeted him brightly and Shinso had to wonder if the blonde knew that the redhead was the enemy.

Midoriya arrived a few minutes after and also made his way to the explosive blonde. However, instead of grumbling, Bakugou actually looked over at the green teen and said something in response to his cheery greeting. Whatever he said clearly caught Midoriya off guard before he, somehow, smiled even more happily.

There was something odd about that picture and Shinso realized it was because Drop was no where in sight. Anytime he had seen Class 1-A, the taller teen was usually hanging around Midoriya and Bakugou the most out of everybody. He wondered where he had gotten off to. He didn't think he had left the room entirely but he didn't see him anywhere else.

Once the last person was in the room, Aizawa himself entered, making his way to stand behind his podium. He glanced down briefly before he dropped his sleeping bag on the floor behind him. He looked like he was about to say something when he suddenly stooped down to grab something and came back up with a steaming cup of coffee. "Your exams are coming up in half a month." He announced after taking a long drink. "Do with that information what you will." He then proceeded to crawl into his sleeping bag without another word.

Once it was clear that they weren't going to be given more directions, Hagakure stood up with her Nerf gun, the object easy enough to hide behind desks and bags since her body was invisible.

"Hagakure-san, I insist-" Iida tried to begin but was cut off by Uraraka, who covered his mouth.

"Shh..." The brunette grinned at her best friend, releasing him when he didn't look like he was about to start speaking again. "We're at war here."

"War?" He dropped his voice down to a whisper. "What do you mean?"

Uraraka gestured to Hagakure, who was now at the far right of the classroom close to the door. "Drop declared war on her last night. She called him stupid."

Iida gasped, still somehow managing to keep his voice down even as he chopped the air with his arms. "It is not polite to call someone stupid. Why would she do such a thing?"

"Apparently, Drop said he had no idea why he would make Bakugou his boyfriend."

The blue-haired teen paused at that, slowly pushing up his glasses. "That is, indeed, very stupid. How can one be so oblivious?"

The Corpse in the Creekजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें