Press Conference

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Chapter 6

"You're really sure it's okay for you to take the day off? I'll be fine at home alone," Midoriya asks for about the hundredth time.

"Yes, Izuku its fine for me to take the day off I want to be here for you love," Todoroki says, kissing the smaller boy's forehead and adjusting the greenette's hero suit.

"Todoroki, Midoriya, you're on now," Kichirou says, walking into the room. When the couple passes, Kichirou puts his hand on Midoriya's shoulder. "You have this," he adds before letting the heroes walk outside.

The instant the press sees the couple, cameras start flashing and people start asking questions. "Please, settle down!" Midoriya says, trying to be louder than the din.

"I'm here to tell you why I've been taking such an extended absence and why I will not be returning to work." Midoriya said, gripping Todoroki's hand tightly behind the podium. He hadn't felt this intimidated of a press conference for years.

"I was diagnosed with ALS a little over a month ago. The illness destroys the connections between my muscles and my brain, slowly paralyzing me." Midoriya pauses, taking a deep breath. "The illness has no cure, and it's fatal. I was told I have three to five years to live."

The reporters are silent for a moment, then erupt into a flury of questions. Midoriya tries to answer as many as he can, and would have stayed much longer then he did if Todoroki hadn't stopped him.

It was clear to the taller boy that Midoriya was mentally exhausted from answering all these questions, but fighting through it. Todoroki bids the reporters a good day and leads Midoriga back the way they came, to the car at the back of the building waiting for them.

Uraraka is in the driver's seat. So Todoroki and Midoriya get in the back seat. Midoriya lasts all of ten seconds before he starts crying, tucking his face into the crook of Todoroki's neck. The mask of Midoriya's here costume pressed until the other boy's uncomfortably, but he ignored it, trying to comfort Midoriya as best he could

"T-they all k-know n-now. T-they k-know I'm n-not g-gon-na be a h-her-o...." Midoriya sobs. "T-they k-kn-o-ow I- I'm d-dy-ing-g...."

Todoroki hesitates for a split second then goes back to stroking Midoriya's hair, trying to calm him. "You were incredibly brave today, you did amazing up there. I love you and I'm so proud of you."

"I l-lo-ve y-ou t-too S-sho...c

After this, they don't speak. Midoriya's sobs turned to sniffles calm and his breathing even's out. For a few minutes Todoroki thinks hes sleeping, until the greenette sits up long enough to take off his mask before borrowing back into the fabric of Todoroki's hero costume shirt, which had been stained with the salt of his tears.

In the front seat Uraraka holds the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles are white to keep her hands from trembling. Small tears tracked down her cheeks, just enough to notice they were there, but not enough to impair her driving.

'Who would be so cruel?' She thought. 'Who would want to cause someone as nice as Izuku so much pain? What did he ever do to deserve this?'

The three are so lost in thought the drive seemed to take no time at all. Uraraka pulled up the driveway, the boys thanked her and got out of the car, heading inside. Midoriya went right to his office, slowly taking off his hero costume.

First the gloves then the utility belt, which he lahed on the desk. He sat in his chair, bending over to take off his shoes. Then he stood up and took off the main part of his costume, laying ut over his chair while he put on the sweatpants and t shirt he'd left in here earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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