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Chapter 5

Midoriya cringed ever so slightly as the IV needle was taken out of his arm. He didn't usually hate needles, but now that he had to have one in his arm for an hour for ten days he was beginning to hate them  today was his last treatment for eighteen days, then the next cycle of treatment would start and last for ten days.

He leaves the hospital using the side entrance reserved for heroes, so the press wouldn't spot him. Fuyumi had brought him to the appointment, but had to return to her kindergartens, so he didn't know who would be taking him home.He sees a head of long wild red hair by the exits and a small smile appears in his face. "Eijirou!"

"Yo Deku! I'm your wheels home today," Kirishima says, a bright, sharky grin on his face.

"How have you and Kacchan been? Have you finished unpacking uet?" Midoriya asks as they get into Kirishima's jeep.

"Yeah, we got the last if our things out of storage and unpacked them  i can't believe 'Suki found that place so quickly there's plenty of room, but its not big enough to feel empty with just the two of us," Kirishjma says with a large smile 

"Sounds nice. I'm happy for you two. You're so good for Kaccgan, you make him so…. happy and calm," Midoriya says, leaning back in his seat.

"I know what you mean. Others might not see it, but he is a lot calmer than he used to be," Kirishima agrees.

The boys chat about meaningless things on the drive, enjoying the rare chance to just talk about something that didn't involve hero work.

When Kirshima pulls up the driveway, he leaves the car running and Midoriya's heart sinks. "Do you want to come in?" he asks, though he already knows the answer.

"I can't stay, I have patrol in twenty minutes.  Sorry, bro."

Midoriya fixed a bright smile on his face. "No, that's fine. Thanks for the ride. It was nice talking to you," he says, getting out of the car. He walks up to the front door, turning to wave as Kirishima drives away. Only once the car disappears does the greenette let his shoulders slump and his smile fade. He was tired of having to be alone in this house, but he couldn't go anywhere without the press finding out he wasn't working.

He didn't resent his friends for having to work, but he wished someone could stay with him, even if it was just for a few hours. Midoriya went inside, his socked feet gliding over the tiles kitchen floor as he got himself some water before going to the living room  with the tv on some random reality show and turned down to become background noise, Midoriya picked up a book.

His mom had been going to the library for him, checking out things she thought he might like. Midoriga would have done it himself, but even something as simple as checking a bunch of books out under his name could expose his illness.

After a few hours,Midoruga begins to nod off. Todoroki comes home to find his lover asleep on the couch, a book on his chest, snoring softly. Any worry he may have felt when Midoriga didn't answer his greeting melts away when he sees the sleeping figure.

Todoroki puts a bookmark in Midoriya's page, setting the book on the coffee table, before grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch and tucking it over the greenette. He smiles softly as the sleeping boy, thinking he looked so much younger and stress free. It makes him unwilling to wake Midoriya.

 The bicoloured boy went to the kitchen, determined to reheat last night udon soup without messing it up. He could do that, right?

  He puts the soup in the pot, lighting the gas element in setting it to medium high. He starts setting the table while the soup heats, stirring it every few minutes. And if the noodle started to scorch to the bottom of the pot, while Todoroki was looking for the trivets, well, no one was going to tell because he caught it just in time.

Sayonara: If that's the way it isМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя