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As she stared into harry styles' green orbs she couldn't help but start to cry. They were tears of joy this time. She was so excited to not get thrown across rooms anymore. But this wasn't the case.

Little did she know that things were gonna get worse. Harry picked her up and took her home. When they got there and she asked for food he said yes and gave her the hugest meal. She grew 4 inches from it.

She went to bed after that and woke in the middle of the NUGHT to her being moved across the planet. She was in a plane and when she got up she looked for harry.

He wasn't there. There was no one. She was completely alone. She went up to the front to see who was driving but no one was. She was in a crashing plane.

She paniced but then remembered when her sexy mafia boss magpies daddy taught her how to fly. She flew safely to the ground and called harry styles.

"W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what happened" she asked.

"What do you mean baby gorl" he said lowly

"I was in a plane."

"What. Where are you" he said worriedly. As she told him her exact coordinates he quickly flew to her in his 917383782 dollar helicopter.

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