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Omniscient pov
3 years later

Alexis grabbed her phone as she got out the car.
Gio: " You sure you wanna go in by yourself?"
Lexi: " Yeah I'm sure"
Gio: " Aight call me if you need me"
Lexi: " Okay" She said leaning over and giving him a kiss. She walked up to the front door and knocked on it. Amira opened the door holding Romans hand.
Amira: " I'm sorry ama I know you were busy today." She said as she walked out the house towards the car still holding Romans hand.
Lexi: " Where's Luca?"
Amira: " I think he forgot something"
Lexi: " Ok you help Roman I'm gonna go get him"
Amira: " Okay"
Alexis walked inside of Samy's house which was her old home. She hasn't been inside since the day she left. She had to fly out here every two months for the kids to visit but that was it. she never went inside, sometimes not even to the door.
She looked around the house and seen it was dark and dirty. It was weird because it was the middle of the day. She walked up the stairs and the hallway was trashed too. Some doors were open some weren't. She walked to the room where the kids rooms were the last time she was here. She opened the door and Luca was sitting on his bed. The room was clean, a little cluttered but clean.
Lexi: " Come on Luca"
Luca: " I'm never going to see daddy again?"
Lexi: " I don't know Luca but we have to go"
He got up and walked out the room. She followed behind him and as she was about to walk down the stairs she heard someone call my name.
Kairi: " Lexi?"
Lexi: " Kairi?"
She turned around and walked to where he was. He was peaking through the door so he opened it a little more and pulled her in closing it behind her.
Lexi: " Kairi what happened here?!"
Kairi: " After you guys left it was slightly normal, and then you guys didn't come back so Mar went on a rampage and left and we haven't seen or heard from him since. Then everyone started arguing and fighting all the time so Alex , Alejandro, and Cora left. Then eventually Katie and Mattia. Then Sicily and Angel once they came back from their trip. And Lexi I'm trying, I've been trying to keep everything how it was but I just can't. I never spend time here. I just shower and sometimes sleep here. Samy has lost his fucking mind. I try to steer clear from him."
Lexi: " What?"
Kairi: " Oh and Viper is alive."
That was the last thing she heard before she stumbled to the door and outside. Lexi got in the car and Gio drove off.
Gio: "You okay?"
Lexi: " Uh yeah- hey can we get a sooner flight home?"
Gio: " Wait what? What about Jenna and Mattia's wedding?"
Lexi: " Katie doesn't even want me to go so let's just go home."
Gio: " Lex-"
Lexi: " Gio I want to go home. And I'm going, with or without you."
Gio: " Alright I'll see when I can get the soonest flight back to New York"
Lexi: " Thank you."
We drove to the hotel air bnb we were staying at and went inside.
She got in the shower and washed my hair. As Alexis was walking into the room Gio was laying on the bed on his laptop.
Gio: " Okay our flight back home is tomorrow at 2pm"
Lexi: " Okay so when should we leave?"
Gio: " Maybe 10"
Lexi: " Okay I'll tell the kids"

The next morning at the airport

Airport employee: " Good morning ma'am, we are having some issues and we are giving a $400 reward to people who could take a later flight"
Lexi: " Um hold on"
Gio: " You wanna take the later flight"
Lexi: " I mean we can always use some extra cash"
Gio: " Ok I'll go"
Lexi: " No no I'll go, plus you could use some time with them"
Gio: " You sure"
Lexi: " I'm positive"
Luca: " Ama I wanna go with you"
Lexi: " Luca stay with your siblings and Gio"
Luca: " Please"
Lexi: " Fine but I call window seat"
Luca: " Aw man" He said laughing
Lexi and Luca said bye to the others as the got on their flight.
Luca: " So when is our flight?"
Lexi: " Not until late"
Luca: " Im tired"
Lexi: " Let's go sit then"
After a few hours their flight was called and they got on. They both eventually fell asleep.
Lexi's POV
I woke up to really bad turbulence. I looked over and seen Luca scared so I pulled him as close as I could. After a few seconds it went away and the lights turnt back on.
Luca: " What was that?"
Lexi: " Just um some turbulence"
Flight attendant: " Ladies and Gentlemen we will be landing in about 2 hours and will be landing at a nearby airport"
Lexi: " Nearby for what?" I said grabbing my phone
Lexi: " Great no service."
Eventually we landed and I grabbed Lucas hand and got off the plane. As we got off the police was standing there waiting. I grabbed Luca's hand harder as I tried to blend into the crowd. When you have a few bodies and no charges you always be prepared for the run.
Officer: " Ladies and gentlemen I know you might be confused and so are we. This plane took off August 12th... 5 years ago. We don't know how this is but flight 323 has been claimed dead for the past 5 years. Please wait while we do questioning and then we will bring you to the Hangour where you will meet up with your families!"
Lexi: " What the fuck."
After hours of questioning they put us on this bus that took us to the Hangour. We got off the bus and I pulled Luca as I ran to look for Gio and the kids. I saw Gio and ran up and hugged him.
Lexi: " Where's Amira and Roman"
A girl that looked around 15 walked over with a younger boy. I realized it was Amira and Roman.
Lexi: " You guys got so big!"
I said pulling them into hugs
Amira: " Hey Luca"
Luca: "Hey?"
Lexi: " Luca it's Amira and Roman"
Luca: " But they got bigger and I didn't..."
Lexi: " It's hard to explain..."
Roman: " So Luca you're still 9? But I'm younger and I'm 11"
Gio: " Let's just go home"
Lexi: " Wait Maria didn't come?!"
Gio: " Oh um... Maria was killed a few months after the plane went missing... Kairi said it was some guy Viper that almost killed a guy named Mar..."
Lexi: " No..."
Gio: " I'm sorry"
He said as he pulled me into a hug as I cried
My sister...dead... I tried to stop it. I tried to come home earlier and warn her. I failed and she's gone. I should've called or texted. Not only is my sister dead but I missed 5 years of my kids lives. I have a teenager. I have a 11 year old son. I just don't know what's happening or what to do...

The end....

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