Chapter 5

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I looked nervously at the hostel building to which Jai was walking off. I felt guilty to have made him run. He was pretty weak for a guy. I just wanted to toughen him up a bit. But he looked pretty sick.

"Guys, I think I should go check on him," I said after five minutes to Varun and Happy. I was just too concerned about Jai. Maybe he needed to go to a hospital. I should at least take him to the infirmary. I walked to the hostel, leaving the others to watch the price giving ceremony.

I reached the room. The door was locked. So I took my own key to the room to unlock the door and stepped in. I saw that the room was empty. Where was Jai?

Then I saw light in the bathroom.

"Jai... Are you in there?" I called out.

There came no reply. I was worried. I pushed the door. It was open. It slid inwards on my push. I saw Jai on the bathroom floor. "Jai..." I yelled in panic and ran to him. He was lying there, with his face on the floor, looking unconscious. His back was faced to me.

I turned him around. "Jai..." I yelled. I was too panicked to notice the white cloth tied to his chest...

"Jai..." I shook him again. I pushed my hand under him and carried him to the room and lay him on the bed. I went and switched on the lights of the room, and came back to Jai. It was just then...I noticed something odd...

His chest....

I stared again...

I first thought I was imagining it.

But then again, I thought whatever the situation is, the priority should be to get that binding away from him. He was having difficulty breathing because his chest was bound too tight. He seemed to be not really breathing. I tugged at the knot of the thing. Nothing happened.

I went to the drawer and took the scissors and came to Jai and cut away all that cloth. Jai's chest came up, as his lungs filled up with air. He gasped and he was breathing again. He was still unconscious though or sleeping. I tiled him just enough, to make sure he is not choking on anything. So he lay on his side now.

And once he tilted, the chest was more evident. I could still see...that how 'non-flat' Jai's chest was... I stared at it. Not being able to believe my eyes.

This is weird. Guys would not have boobs, right????

I gulped.

No. There would be some other explanation. He won't be....

I let Jai lie back on his back. I slowly pulled down his sweatpants a bit down. I needed to check. To make sure. Surely... the dude was a dude, wasn't he? He was my brother. There is no way that... But it was flat down there. The boxers he wore had no bulge whatsoever. Totally and completely flat.

My fingers left the elastic of his sweatpants which sprang back.

I sat there feeling frozen...

Jai didn't have a penis. Jai had boobs. The only explanation for this was something that did not make sense at all. How can it make sense??

I did not know what to do... My feet did not move. And my eyes would not leave from Jai's face....

I sat there for some time dumbly like a fool. Having no idea what to make out of the situation....

Finally, I concluded that Jai no longer looked sick. He was... No... I mean, she was gaining colour, and breathing more steadily now. I thought it was safe to leave her on her own now.

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