Chapter 4

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Looking at the pictures I keep on my shelf

Cause it's been so long since I've looked like myself

Burn another candle down

Burn another candle down

Running low on patience, running low on fumes

Allison's POV

I sighed as I looked at my outfit. After Amy and Maddie threw out everything in my closet and drove off with them, I had no choice but wear what Maddie bought. I was wearing a white tube top with a patchwork cropped hoodie and a purple camo pants and an adidas sneakers. I just left my hair as it was, and I added some mascara and lip-gloss. As I walked down the stairs, I saw Maddie eating in the living room.

"Morning." I greeted her as I head to the kitchen.

"OH MY GOD, my baby sister be looking like she be looking." She yelled after looking at me and she proceeded to prance around me.

"Why are you so excited?" I asked her as she stopped in front of me.

"Because high school the time you spend discovering who you are and I don't want your messed-up family be the reason you never get to experience the thrills of it." She said smiling at me.

"You deserve to figure out what you like or dislike and who you really are. Not who you think you need to be to please Dad. The old man will have to suck it up because until he has the strength to step into this house and say otherwise do you boo." She finished.

"When did you get so sappy." I joked smiling at what she said. When she heard what is said she grabbed one of the couch pillows and threw it at me.

"Last time I try to have a heart to heart with you." She yelled as I ran in the kitchen laughing.

I closed my locker and looked at Amy standing behind it.

"Ok what is it? You've followed me around all day looking but not saying anything." I asked. It was lunch and throughout the day and she kept on looking at me but not telling me why.

"It's just I didn't think you would wear the clothes and it's the first time in a long time I've seen you wear something like this. I'm not the only one every ones been staring at you all day. I guess what I'm trying to say is every day I tell you to be yourself and when you finally dress different I just didn't think all I needed to do was change your closet." She ranted and I nodded. I guess was scared to try and see what I would like but know that Maddie took matters into her own hands after Monday night it feels easier.

"Oh look someone felt sorry for you and donated some clothes." Emily smiled as she brushed past us and I rolled my eyes.

"Just because I don't live my life trying wear as little clothes as possible doesn't mean my clothes are old." I replied before even thinking about it. As soon as the words registered everyone gasped and Amy fisted bump the air.

"Take that wanna be Mia Khalifa." Amy yelled at her.

"So somebody gave you a makeover and suddenly you feel like you can step to me?" Emily asked stepping up to my face and she towered over my 5'6 with her 5'9 height and her 6 inch heels.

"No she just decided to speak her mind but poor Emily can't handle that." Amy mocked while we didn't break eye contact.

"I don't have time for this." I smiled shacking my head and walked away after grabbing Amy's arm.

"I'm not done with you." She yelled at us.

"Well I am." I said not looking back at her.

"Oh My God that was awesome." She cheered.

"To be honest I can't believe I just did that." I let out a breath as we joined the lunch like.

"Don't look now but 6 o'clock Seth is staring at you." I turned around to look at her.

"What?" I asked.

"Seth Parker staring at you." She said pointing her head behind her. I looked just a bit behind her and sure enough was Seth sitting at a table with his friends staring right back at me. He didn't look away until his friend called him and he hesitantly turned but not after smirking at me.

"What was that about?" She asked as we walked over to our table.

"I don't know your guess is as good as mine." I shrugged sitting.

"Oh, after school you won't see me." She said sitting across from me.

"Why?" I asked puzzled.

"I have a meeting Jenny wants to add something new to the schools paper. So, we're gonna talk ideas today." She explained waving her fork around.

"Ok anyways how's Rose?" I asked about Amy's Big sister.

"She' good I guess she seems happy out of the blue one day last year when we went to visit her at her dorm. Then when she came home for holiday she couldn't take her eye of her phone and she kept blushing all the time." She shrugged.

"Well it's good that she moved on from my brother." I said to her.

"What he did was a dick move he just left he didn't even say anything to the girl he loved." I sighed running my hand threw my hair.

"Don't beat yourself up about it your not the one that left." She said looking up at me.

"What class do you have next?" She asked.

"Art why?"

"Well you know have the chance to ask Seth why he was starring." She answered calmly while I almost spit out the juice I was drinking.

"No." I said wiping my mouth.

"Why?" She whined and I looked at her and she sighed as we got up and threw away our trash.

"See you tomorrow." She said as we parted ways.

As I walked to my class I saw Emily leaning against a locker. Just as I was passing her she put out her foot and I tripped.

I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but just before I hit the ground I felt an arm wrap around my waist.

"Seth." I heard Emily's very shocked voice squealed. Then he pulled me up but he didn't remove his hand.

"Emily." He replied like he was already bored with her.

"Why did you help her, it's not like she's one of us or somebody worth your time." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"And you're worth my time?" He asked raising an eyebrow at her.

"And what do you mean by us?" He asked her and she swallowed.

"Well, you know important." She stuttered. She must have been scarred of him cause I've never seen her stutter before.

"You feel like you're more important than anyone here. You're just some stuck up brat flaunting daddy's money.." He said calmly look at her as if he hadn't just insulted her.

"Come on Allison." He said pulling me towards our class as the late bell rang.

"Thanks." I said as he removed his hand and placed them in his pockets.

"No problem." He replied as he pushed open the class door and as usually there was no teacher Ms. Lee doesn't come until half an hour in but that didn't stop everyone from staring at us.

And of course the only 2 seats left where right next to each other just great.

He sat in the seat that was next to the window so I sat beside him and everyone in the class wouldn't stop starring.

While I tried to look busy on my phone and hide behind my hair and Seth was either on aware or didn't care because in the moment he looked very in though.

Oh My God- Alec Benjamin

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