Chapter 1

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Put your make-up on, Get your nails done

Curl your hair, Run the extra mile

Keep it slim so they like you, Do they like you? –

-You don't have try, You don't have to try

Take your make up off, Let your hair down

Take a breath, Look in the mirror, at yourself

Don't you like you?, Cause I like you

Allison's POV

I sighed as I turned off my alarm. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror at the girl who stared back at with dull brown eye. I went into the bathroom had a quick shower then. I went into my closet and choose an outfit. I brushed my hair then applied some chapstick and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Ok Ally just another day you survived this long and it wasn't to fail at this act." I psyched myself up. I then turned to leave my room.

This was how I survived so long being someone who wasn't me. Sure I had the rich father how always gave me everything I wanted everything but him. After my mother's death he became so distant. Everyone thought I had a life worth living but me. My brother, Kingston, use to just lay around drinking away his grief. I mean why not he was 20 at the time and the oldest not to mention there was no one to tell us what to and not to do. Then one day my sister and I came home and he wasn't there. We weren't alarmed because he would disappear and come back when he was ready. It was later on we found out he had left and went to military school. Maddison, my sister, decided if everyone else was going to do as they pleased then she was too. She founded joy in teasing me about the goody two shoe I am when that was just how she was before mom died. I had to be the one who was perfect just to keep peace one of kept up our grades never get into trouble and Dad would say if one was ok then he was ok with that even if there were 2 others failing but that wasn't the case. Maddison got good grades she majored in Fashion and minored in Journalism and Photography. Her only problem was her lack of filter. As for Kingston no one knows what's going on with him. Even though if dad tried he could probably would know but he doesn't seem to care what we do. Child services hasn't not knocked on the door of his London Penthouse so he's good.

"Oh look it's the Muppet." The sound of Claire ,Maddison's best friend broke me out of my train of thoughts.

"What did I say about teasing my sister only I can call her a Muppet." My sister said warningly to her friend.

Maddie had this thing where she would always tease me but she never let her friends tease me to my face or behind my back we may not be as close as before but she would never let anyone especially anyone she didn't like have a go at me. We may not be like before but all we have are each other so at the end of the day we have each other's back. Her last boyfriend misread our relationship as her being the big sister that hated her little sister and he tripped me when I was walking down the stairs once and I never heard or saw him again and it was something she and Claire don't talk about.

"Hi Maddie, Claire." I greeted as I took an apple from the kitchen and walked to the door to leave. " Bye"

"Bye." Maddie said. " Oh can you pick up a coffee for me on your way back from school. I have so much work I don't think I'll get the chance."

"Sure." I said grabbing my keys and closing the door behind me.

I hop in my Jeep and go on my 30 minutes to school drive. When I finally reach I park in my space and head up the steps to see my best friend, Amy. The only person who actually knows some of what goes on in my head.

"How's my favorite Walker." She cheered as she threw her hand around my shoulders.

"Oh you know surviving the life Santiago." I recounted.

"I don't know why you hid behind the fake image of being a push over." She sighed as we opened our lockers.

"To be honest even if I wanted to change I don't know if I even know who I am." I sighed locking at her.

"You pretended to be someone you're not for so long you didn't even discover who you are, what you love or hate. So why not stop go do something spontaneous or just try to learn about yourself? " She declared.

"Amy you know why I just grew so comfortable being the person I am I worked so hard to get here I don't know if I'm ready." I whispered but I know she heard.

"Ok I promised you I'd wait until you felt comfortable. I mean everyone did what they wanted you haven't heard from your brother in a year, your sister only acts like your sister when she feels needed otherwise your just someone how sleeps across the hall from her. Your father only sends money into both your accounts and pays the bills you haven't seen him in a since your mom's funeral. Your mother died a year and 4 months ago. Everyone grieved but you why you were busy trying to help everyone but yourself and then you turned into a push over." She pleaded with me this was a everyday thing. We argue about me then go to class then meet at lunch like it was nothing.

"Amy you know I'll eventually get better." I sighed.

"That's what you said last week and the week before and I could go on but anyways the bells about to ring so we should head to class." As the words left her mouth the bell rang knowing we wouldn't see each other for the rest of the day until lunch and after school because we didn't have any classes on Monday and she also had drama meeting at lunch. She gave me a knowing lock as she walked off.

Song name: Try-Colbie Caillat

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