Chapter 3

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Laying on the bathroom floor, feeling nothing

I'm overwhelmed and insecure, give me something

I could take to ease my mind slowly

Just have a drink and you'll feel better

Allison's POV

I ran my hand threw my hair as I looked through my closet. Every morning I think about how less is more, if I didn't have so many clothes I wouldn't have to ask myself what to where I would just have to do with what I have. If you think about it people with less money tend to lead simpler lives but when you're rich you want more to fill the emptiness inside but all it does is make you want more because your never satisfied.

I was brought out of my thoughts as Maddie walked into my walk in closet.

"Pick out something nice we're going out." She said to me.

"Ahh I have school." I reminded her and we never really go out considering we don't really leave the house besides school and she would occasionally go out with her friends.

"I called and told them you would be absent." She explained looking at my clothes.

"But why?" I asked.

"Because I think you need a break so today we're going to explore seeing as we rarely do anything together. I think you could use a break from everything I know I could. Here wear this and remind me to take you shopping." She ranted handing me a black shirt, white ripped jeans shorts with a red, black and white flannel.

I didn't even know I owned these but anyways I put them on. When I walked back into my room is saw her putting my phone, purse and earphones in my bag. She noticed my then handed me a choker and a half moon necklace.

"Let's go sister." She said throwing her arm over my shoulder as we walked down the stairs. I'm seriously wondering if she was drunk this was not normal under any circumstance that I could think off.

I looked at all the bags that were on the ground beside us when Maddie said she was going to shop she really meant business.

So, any cute guys at your school?" She smiled almost angelically while I choked on my fruit smoothie.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked her.

"You know any guy that has caught your eye or you think is cute." She waved her hands while explaining.

"No, not really. I never really spent time caring about relationships or anything like that." I shrugged.

"Can you go get my another fries please?" She said batting her eyes I sighed and she squealed handing me they money.

"You get that excited over fries?" I mumbled to myself.

"Hi, can I get a large fries please." I said to the cashier at the mall's Burger Queen.

"Sure here is your change." He said handing it to me.

"Well who do we have here." said a voice behind me in a sing song manner. I turned to see the one and only infamous Seth Parker.

"Well, hello to you too." I sighed putting a smile on my face as I turned to greet him.

"Skipping school are we?" he teased.

"I'm not but I know you are." I said looking at my phone. It was 1:59 and we would be having Ms. Hargers class.

"And what if I am?" He asked.

"It's not my problem." I smiled and walked away with Maddie's fries.

"Who was that?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nobody." I replied picking up our bags.

"Hey I haven't even started eating my fries." She whined.

"You can eat them in the car." I said pulling her out of the food court.

"So?" She asked sitting her fries and looking at me.

"Yes?" I said. Trying to focus on driving and not the way she was looking at me.

"Who was that boy?" She asked again I sighed again

"You know they say every time you sigh you let out some of your happiness." She said pointing at me with her fries.

"No wander I feel like crap." I said.

"No changing the subject." She said waving the fries in my face.

"I'm driving." I yelled and she just shrugged. Ok she is most definitely on something and it seems a little more than Mary Jane.

"You remember Seth Parker?" I asked her.

"No way that's Seth he sure glowed up." She said and I just hummed in response.

"Where were you I was worried sick you never miss a day of school." Amy greeted us as I opened the door.

"We just went out today." I replied.

"You should have seen it I heard even Emily was confused she had no one to tease today." Amy said pulling me into the kitchen.

"I didn't think anyone but you would notice if wasn't there.' I shrugged get a glass of water and leaning against the island while Amy leaned against the cabinet and Maddie went hunting in the fridge as if we didn't eat at the mall.

"Yeah, today even Seth asked me at lunch if something happened to-" I started to choke on the water.

"Seth as in Seth Parker the same one who was flirting with her at the mall." Maddie said taking her head out of the fridge.

"He was not flirting with me." I corrected then Amy gasped and she and Maddie ran off talking about yesterday when he said 2 sentences to me. Yesterday Amy though Maddie was the 5th worst human being she ever met and now their chatting up a storm.

"These two while be the death of me." I said smiling at them. I did say I wanted them to be friends.

"Hey wanna help me make over her closet?" Maddie asked holding up our shopping bags while Amy nodded excitedly.

"I'll light a fire in the back her clothes will burn tonight." Amy squealed.

"Then we can make smores." Maddie cheered.

"No leave my clothes don't burn them." I yelled chasing them.

"You're right we should donate them." Amy said continued up the stairs to my room.

In my Blood- Shawn Mendes 

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