Mabels eyes widened as he understood her.

"Y-You are v-ve-very good at you-your languages N-Nicholas. My f-father ha-had the same na-name!" Mabel says excitedly.

Nicholas smiled lightly and nodded his head.

"W-What's wron-wrong Nicholas?" Mabel whispered to the boy gently, trying not to frighten him.

"My momma" he replied shortly, squeezing his already closed eyes tighter together.

Mabel couldn't help but want him to open his eyes, curious to what his eyes would show.

Eyes were the doors to your soul and if he could just open his eyes she could comfort him.

"Wh-what's wr-wrong with yo-your momma?" Mabel asked, for some reason she felt like she needed to whisper. She didn't know why but she knew she needed to.

Suddenly the boys eyes shot open and he shot his head towards Mabel, his eyes snapping to her eyes making her gasp.

He had the same colour eyes as her, but it looked as if a mist covered it, making her unable to see his true eyes.

"The one you desire but did not seek,
Shall fall from the highest peak,
Your eyes will bloom a golden sun,
To remind them of what they've done.

He shall leave and you shall be taken,
Left with the one who was mistaken.
The hunt will last for three long years,
A search for the one who disappeared."

The boys voice contorted as he spoke, as if a million different voice were trying to speak the same words as they came from the boy. At the end he gasped and clutched his throat as if he was choking. Mabel hurried to his side and pried his hand from his throat as she quickly began massaging it, making it relax and open his windpipe again.

The boy fell into her and clutched his head as he lay it on her lap. Mabel looked at him cautiously before running her hands through his hair and think of what he had said.

She knew what had happened. She had learned from Vaxis that there are special beings, very powerful creatures, that have premonitions and she was sure this boy was one of them. Which meant she was going to be taken if she didn't get to Adonis to tell him about the premonition.

Nicholas slowly sat up again and looked her in her eyes. Mabel stared back.

His eyes were cleared now. The mist having disappeared with the vision.

Yes, Mabel ,said he has definitely stolen my eyes.

"You're in trouble" he said to her. He really did remind her of Adonis, too mature for their age.

"I am", she replied nodding her head.

"Well then why are you here?" Nicholas asked her as if she had a choice.

"W-well th-this is the p-pack ho-house?" She answered warily.

"No you must go home!", grabbing onto her head gently and placing two of his thumbs in the middle of her forehead as he leaned forward and kissed it.

Mabel giggled at his action and leaned up and kissed his forehead too before she slowly got dizzy and laid back on some steps on the stairs.

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