Chapter 2 : THE DECISION

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A few days before...

Kirishima Eijiro was worried.
He was scared, sad, angry, confused...

But most of all he was worried.

Indeed, his best friend, first friend really, had been missing for two weeks now, and he had just gotten news that the search for him was put on hold.

That his friend had been declared dead.

He understood, rather reluctantly, that with All Might dead and all the villains uprisings, the heroes had other things to do.
He really did!
But to go as far as to completely  stop the search for them?

Two students had gone missing for God's sake!
Two young boy's with a future, with families, with friends...

Kirishima was worried for them.

Bakugo was loud, brash and always seemed angry with everyone.
But he cared.
He would wait for him after class, save seats at the cafeteria...

Todoroki... Kirishima hadn't known him that well. But he knew the boy didn't deserve to be left at the League of Villain's mercy.
No one did.

Especially not after what they had done to Midoryia.

They were heroes.
Heroes were supposed to save everyone. To always win.

But they had lost. And now they paid the price.

But, even if the red headed boy was afraid for his friends and classmates, he was also rather angry, furious, really, at the hero commission.

How dare they.
How DARE they?!!?!

Determined to give the unmanly bastards a piece of his mind, he trudged, seething, towards the big building.

He was about to slam the doors open when he heard someone (already) yelling inside.
Curious, he opened the door and peered in the room.

There, was a blond haired woman that could've passed as Bakugo's twin if she wasn't so old (no offense to her) and another, white haired pale woman that stood a little behind bit seemed to radiate anger and disapproval.

Kirishima honestly didn't know which was scarier.

"What was that you bastard??!! HMMM? ?? I don't think I heard right."
The Bakugo look-alike growled at a hero.

Kirishima was speechless.
Of course, he agreed with the woman, Bakugo's mom probably, but he didn't have the balls to straight up curse the commission.

Wow... she's so... manly.

"I'm sorry miss, but we'll have to ask you to leave the building."

The man replied in a monotone voice.

"You have been causing a scene and harassing honest people that are only doing their jobs so I will not repeat myself. Leave."

Bakugo's mother sneered at the tall man, barring her teeth like an animal, and the young student was afraid she might actually pounce on him and try rip his face off.

But, the other woman who until now had only silently judged the hero, tugged on her friend's sleeve.

"They aren't worth our time. Come on Mitsuki, we have better things to do then depend on heroes who can't even do their jobs properly. "

The explosive woman spat one last time at the taller man's feet before angrily stomping out of the building, not giving the dumbfounded Kirishima a second glance.

''Hey! Miss, wait!'' The boy called after them once he recovered.
''Please.. wait..'' he huffed, running to catch up with the two ladies.

''What do you want, brat?!?''
Kirishima flinched a little at the harsh tone.

''You're Bakubro's mom, right?''

"Hm?! What of it?!?!" She all but barked back.
"S'that a problem?!"

"Not at all" the boy replied hurriedly "it's. .. it's just...  I heard what you said to the guy in the office and that was super manly!"

The woman stared, amused, at him.

"Why don't you help us then, gaki?"

"Mitsuki, are you sure this is a good idea?" The quiet one asked worriedly.
"He's just a kid."

"Don't be such a buzz kill, Rei" she brushed off
"He's old enough to make his own choices."

Kirishima looked back and forth between the two women, a little lost.

"Uh... What should i help you with exactly..? "

Bakugo Mitsuki grinned. Her eyes lighting up with something dark.

"We're gonna rescue the kiddos ourselves! You in? "

ragtag heroes जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें