Chapter 27- The Verdict

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My ears filled with the sound of the typewriter that was quickly recording every word I said. "I know that claiming to be in love with each other is not enough. But our child," I looked back at Artemis, who was sitting beside Scorpius and looking rather bored, "is proof that Draco does not hold steadfastly to pureblood ideals."

The courtroom could hardly contain their gossip. Shacklebolt, who was caught off guard, attempted to silence the room. "Order. Order!"

When the talking subsided, Shacklebolt peered down at Draco. "Is this true?"

Draco nodded. "My son, Scorpius, was a product of my first marriage to Astoria Greengrass. Artemis is mine and Erica's."

Hermione was the least impressed of anyone by this revelation. "And just how long have you known that Erica was not a pureblood?"

"Since I was seventeen," said Draco.

"You've known for that long?" Hermione scoffed. "If the girl you supposedly love is not pureblood, then why has it taken you this long to decide where you stand?"

"I do love her," Draco growled. He walked towards the bench, getting as close to Kingsley and Hermione as the courtroom floor would allow. "If I could go back in time and do everything differently I would. But all I can do now is confess my wrongs and hope for a better future for me and my family." Hermione shifted in her seat. It seemed she wasn't expecting Draco to show such emotion.

"My children shouldn't have to be punished for my past insurrections. They were born into this world not knowing hate or prejudice. These things are taught, just like how my father taught me. But what is learned can be forgotten. And I swear that I will break the cycle of pureblood beliefs."

Shacklebolt was silent. Hermione made a note, shut her binder, and with a stone-face, said, "I have no further questions."


We were called back to the Courtroom after a very long intermission. The stress of the trial made Draco itch for cigarettes. To compromise, I had placed a nicorette patch on his shoulder.

Shacklebolt and Hermione took their seats again. I couldn't put my finger on it, but they looked different, somehow- like they went and saw a sad movie during the break.

"Draco Malfoy, Erica Thorncroft, and their children to the podium, please."

I trembled. Are they going to ask us more questions? We've already exposed so much of our private life to them... I kept the children close, holding each of their hands. Based upon how the first part of the trial went, this isn't looking good. It's going to take a lot to convince them to forgive Draco.

The secretary stood and declared, "The Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and the Minister of Magic have reached a decision."

Draco and I tensed. What do they mean they've reached a decision? Shouldn't there be more witnesses, and more questions? How were they able to decide so quickly?

I saw the color drain from Draco's face as Shacklebolt stood. Draco and I exchanged a worried glance. We were both assuming the worst.

Shacklebolt addressed the jury in a serious tone. "During the intermission, Mrs. Granger-Weasley and I spoke to Harry Potter. He had much to say regarding Draco's morality. Among the personal accounts from Mr. Potter, a story stood out involving a Mr. Valentin Dupont."

I was confused. Who the hell is Valentin Dupont? What does he have to do with Draco's trial?

Shacklebolt continued. "The Death Eaters prided themselves on carrying out the murders of countless innocent Muggles and wizards. The losses we suffered at their hands will not be forgotten. Voldemort never showed remorse for the countless lives he took. Despite being a Death Eater, Draco Malfoy has only ever taken one life, the circumstances of which are important to the trial." I saw Draco's brow furrow. Neither of us were expecting this turn of events.

"Valentin Dupont was a young wizard bitten by a werewolf at the age of 17. He disappeared after graduating from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and lived as a vagabond in the forests of France. Draco Malfoy accidentally killed this young man two years ago while he was on duty as a Dark Creature Hunter. Despite not knowing who he was, he carried his body out of the forest and buried him. His grave is located by the Forest of Troncais in Southern France."

I solemnly lowered my head. Harry must have researched this after hearing Draco's story. I really hope they'll see this as a redeemable act, and not another cold-blooded murder.

Hermione spoke. "Without even knowing this man, Draco gave him the right to a proper burial. We agreed that this act should not be overlooked as proof of Draco's morality. From what we've observed today, it is in our judgment and perception that Draco Malfoy has wholeheartedly left behind the ideals of Voldemort and the Death Eaters."

Shacklebolt's voice boomed in my ears. "Draco Malfoy, you are hereby free of your exile. May you survive to live as a free man."


only 2 chapters left.... -kittyhawk

The Healer II- The Patient (Draco Malfoy Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora