Chapter 11- Wakefulness

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A month and a half after she fell into her coma, Astoria was finally awake and holding baby Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy in her arms.

"Welcome back, Astoria," I said pleasantly, to which she beamed from her bed. I helped her change into a fresh nightgown, and then set to work with diagnostic charms. Draco entered and stood by the door in a long coat and slim black pants. He did not acknowledge Astoria; so I assumed the two of them had their loving post-coma reunion before I arrived.

"Well, believe it or not, that actually wasn't my first coma!" she said as casually as if she were talking about going to the opera. "Although, I do hate that I missed out on Scorpius's first month," she complained, examining her baby's face. "He didn't say his first word yet, did he?"

I suppressed a laugh and focused on my diagnostic spells. "Babies don't usually speak until they're at least a year old."

Astoria cocked an eyebrow. "Really? Is that what they teach you at.... Oh, what's the name of that school? The American Hogwarts?"

Draco and I both said "Ilvermorny." I ignored him, and cleared my throat. "I graduated at the top of my class. I may not be an expert on babies, but I assure you, I received a very well-rounded education."

"And what house were you in?" Astoria questioned. "I mean, if they even had houses."

For someone who just got out of a coma, Astoria sure was talkative. "They have houses, just like Hogwarts," I replied as I checked Astoria's blood pressure. "Although, at Ilvermorny they were based less on personality and more on career affinity. I was sorted into Pukwudgie, which mostly had other Healers."

That didn't seem to interest Astoria much. "Sounds like Hufflepuff to me," she sneered. "What about your husband? Did he also attend Ilvermorny?"

I stalled a little when she brought up my husband, because I knew Draco was listening. Astoria picked up on my hesitance and said, "Come on, I was in a coma for a month! I crave entertainment. This will be the only time I ask. Indulge me."

"He attended Ilvermorny as well," I replied simply, deciding not to tell them he did not end up finishing his schooling. "He was in Wampus, the house that favors warriors."

Astoria snorted. "I suppose that's their version of Gryffindor."

"Well, actually, I don't think it works like that-"

"Are you and your husband going to have children, Erica?"

If Astoria wasn't holding a baby, I might have smacked her. She was my patient, but that didn't give her the right to pry on such personal matters.

"No," I replied dryly.

"Aw, why not?" Astoria asked in a falsely naive tone.

I could feel Draco staring.

"I do not want children," I stated, placing my supplies back into my bag.

Astoria tutted. "That's a shame." She looked down at Scorpius. "They're so cute. But I suppose not everyone was meant to be a mother!"

I forced myself to smile. "No. I suppose not."

Astoria seemed entertained enough by that point, and loudly complained that she was getting tired.

"Someone take Scorpius, please," she commanded.

I looked at Draco, who seemed like he would rather do anything else than pick up his baby. I stared him down, trying to express nonverbally that he needed to step up to the child rearing responsibility eventually, and now was a perfect opportunity. He stared back at me, not moving an inch.

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