"Malec - First Meet"

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"Because we watched videos about each of you except Max, Catarina and Ragnor, I decided you'll watch videos about Malec, Sizzy, Clace and Maluke."

Almost everybody was confused but Max and Izzy quickly explained what shipnames are.

"We're gonna start with Malec's first meet, so just watch," girl said.

Jace: Blend in. Keep your weapons ready. Magnus!

Magnus: Clary Fairchild. You've grown into a beautiful young woman.

Clary: Magnus Bane. So you're the one who stole my memories.

"Wow, she looks angry," Cat commented.

Magnus: At your mother's request.

Clary looked down. Luke told her what her mother did and why she did it, but she was still upset.

Magnus: She knew the risk. Show me the jewelry, Shadowhunter.

Jace: Ooh! Give Clary back her memories, and you get the jewelry.

Magnus: I have to confirm it's authenticity. "Amor verus numquam moritur." "True love cannot die." Oh, how I've missed this jewel.

"So you're a romantic type? Good," said Jace.

"Does it matter if he's romantic?" asked Alec.

"Of course, Alec!" Izzy grinned. "Sometimes I forget how little you know about love. You had only one girlfriend," she said, remembering Jessica Hawkblue.

"Yeah, right," Alec replied nervously, knowing that he never had a girlfriend.

Clary: Now, it's your turn to pay up.

"So impatient," laughed Jace.

"My whole life turned out to be a lie, okay?! I had a right to be impatient!"

"Woah, relax, I was kidding."

Magnus: I wish I could retrieve your memories, but I no longer have them.

"Do you really have to complicate things?" Clary asked Magnus.

"Yeah, I do, biscuit."

Clary: What? Where are they?

Magnus: I fed them to a memory demon for safekeeping.

Jace: And why the hell would you do that?

"Isn't it obvious? Demon was hungry," Simon joked. Izzy laughed, but Jace only scowled.

Magnus: To protect Clary and the Cup. If Valentine ever captured me, he could torture Clary's memories out of me. Just like he tortured Dot.

Clary's eyes widened. "He tortured Dot?" she asked worriedly.

Clary: Tortured? Wait, is Dot okay?

Magnus: You don't know? Dot is dead.

Clary paled, as did others. She tried very hard not to cry.

Clary: What? How do you know?

Magnus: I can't feel her magic anymore. Valentine killed her because she would not betray your mother.

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