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It took way longer than it should to get Hyunjin and Seungmin home.

Jisung considered taking a rope from Chan's house and taking the three drunks with him like toddlers, but decided against it. It was around 3 a.m. and they were being so loud that someone threw their window open to yell at them. At least that hurried them along a bit, giggling like crazy.

He realised how close he was to his own house as he shoved Hyunjin and Seungmin into the Hwang family's home, but he first had to get Minho home. Why hadn't Chan brought Minho home? With Hyunjin out of the car, there was an empty spot.

It was too late now. Guess he would have to walk to the other side of town first.

Minho was humming to himself, though Jisung didn't recognise a particular song. At some point, he wasn't sure if the incoherent tune was a song at all.

As they walked past the park, Minho suddenly stopped, turning his head slowly.

'What is it?'

The older suddenly bolted into the park, leaving Jisung in shock on the pavement. He swore, following him.

Minho was sitting on the grass next to a bush, with a stick in his hand.

'The fuck are you-'

'Ssshh!!!' Minho held a finger to his mouth and pointed at the bush.

A ginger cat stepped out of the bushes, its eyes trailing the stick he was holding.

'Oh my god,' Jisung mouthed to himself as he looked up at the sky. He sighed and crouched down next to Minho.

The cat meowed and Minho held out his hand, trying to pet it.

'Hey little one,' he rubbed its head.

They sat there so long that Jisung's legs started to hurt and he had to properly sit down. The grass was damp, but he didn't mind much. It was better outside than in the alcohol scented room he had spent all evening in.

The cat stayed for a while, clearly enjoying Minho's rubs.

'Aren't you cute,' he mumbled.

'Almost as cute as Jisung.'


'Huh?' Jisung said. His heart had skipped a beat.

Minho just turned his head to him and smirked. 'You -hiccup- you heard me.'

Jisung drew a breath. 'Thanks?'

'I haven't been very honest with -hiccup- with you.'

He waited for him to continue, but he didn't say anything else. Another hiccup escaped his mouth.

'Why is that?'

Minho stood up, petted the cat one more time and dusted off his jeans.

'Let's go!'

Jisung frowned, but followed him as he walked out of the park.

'Minho hyung?'


'What do you mean you haven't been very honest with me?'

Minho stopped walking. 'Did I say that out loud?'

Jisung nodded.

Minho laughed. 'You're cute.'

'Will you remember any of this tomorrow?' Jisung asked. He had questions alright.

'I dunno. Why? -hiccup- Do you want to know my deeeepest daaarkest secrets?'

He grinned. 'Maybe,' he said mysteriously. He wasn't sure how many secrets a guy could have, though Minho seemed to have high enough walls to have plenty.

He started feeling guilty for asking, taking advantage of him while he's drunk. But before he could say anything, Minho was already talking.

'I don't have any! Chan knows them a- ... Wait!' Minho gasped, putting his hands on his mouth dramatically.

Jisung opened his mouth.

'I haven't told him I'm bisexual.'

'You don't- what?'

Minho stayed silent.

Christ's sake, he should never have asked for secrets. He wasn't supposed to tell him like this. But it was too late now.

'How did you figure out?'

'Made out with a guy in Holland,' Minho giggled. 'His name was Simon, he was nice.'

'I see...'

An awkward silence followed. Or well, it was awkward for Jisung. He wasn't sure if Minho cared about it whatsoever. He would care, tomorrow, if he remembered any of this. Jisung didn't ask for more, he didn't trust Minho to say another word now.

They reached Minho's house quicker than expected.

'Do you have to walk back home now?'

Jisung nodded.

'Alone?' A hiccup.

He nodded again.

Minho shook his head. 'No. Too dangerous,' he slurred. 'You're sleeping here.'

Jisung was about to object, until the other grabbed his hand and his heart stopped.

'Oh,' he said softly, before he was dragged inside.

Minho's hand was clammy, but he didn't mind. It was the only thing he could focus on. Boys really shouldn't have this much effect on him, holy shit. It was only a simple gesture.

'Is your dad home?' he asked quietly.

'Yes,' Minho whispered back. He proceeded to pretend to be a ninja, sneaking through the house.

What a child. Jisung's eyes followed his movements lovingly.

Once they actually made it into his room, Minho dropped himself onto his bed.

He had a double bed, so they didn't have to drag a mattress through the house at this ungodly hour, thank goodness.

Jisung just lay down besides him, not sure what else to do. He could see Minho's gaze was on him from the corner of his eyes. He turned his head, looking right back.

There were stars in his eyes, shining just for him to see. Jisung smiled at him softly. God, he adored him.

Minho shuffled closer to him and hid his face in Jisung's chest. Oh dear.

Even though his heart was hammering in his chest, he wrapped his arm around the boy. A shaky breath left his mouth as Minho snuggled even closer.

'Good night.' The whisper was muffled against his chest.

'Good night,' it came out as a whisper, almost inaudible. All other words that came to him were stuck in his throat, but it was alright for now.

They fell asleep, peacefully, in each others arms.
So cute ... So cute ...

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