"There's another package wrapped up at the bottom," he tells her and she digs into the bag to get it.

She opens up a pretty pink pouch to be blown away again by some beautiful Sailor Moon makeup brushes.

She opens up a pretty pink pouch to be blown away again by some beautiful Sailor Moon makeup brushes

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

JK watches happily as she gushes over the  gifts, glad that he could put a smile on her face. She truly deserves to smile more and he'd give her to world if he had to to keep it on her face.

Luna sets those gifts to the side and opens the second one, once again gasping when she pulls out a purse. It was black with cat ears and a half moon mark on the flap.

"Luna! How did you know? I don't remember ever mentioning my love for Sailor Moon and Luna to you guys," she says slipping her other gifts into the cute bag and cleaning up the paper she'd gotten everywhere.

"You mentioned it in an interview and your Japanese fans cutely associate you with Luna the cat," he says.

She was sure her face was red as hell right now. JK could be so invested and when he put his mind to something, he'd become truly fixated—wanting to learn as much as he could over time. The fact that he was this way about watching her interviews made her giddy inside.

"That's very sweet of you JK. Thank you," she says sincerely, leaning over to peck his lips.

"So what are we watching?" she asks, pulling back to sit up straight.

"Mulan," he replies, also knowing it was one of her favorite movies due to his extensive knowledge of her interviews.

"You're the best baby," she says, leaning over to kiss him again.

The two make themselves comfortable in the pile of pillows, a pile of snacks between them as they watch the movie.


Luna took her time in the shower, the hot water feeling wonderful on her skin. Per his own insistence, JK was downstairs cleaning up the mess they'd made with the snacks. She'd advised him to leave the blanket fort up incase the others wanted to experience its coziness as well.

After she felt her fingertips start to shrivel, she got out of the shower and did her face routine, humming lowly. Realizing her lotion was in her closet, she opens the bathroom door and is surprised to see JK, Jin, and Tae naked and waiting for her on the bed. Jin was just finishing tying JK's hands to the headboard with deep purple silk looking scarves.

"Just in time princess," Tae says, gesturing for her to join.

She scrunches her wet hair with the towel and let's it drop to the floor before climbing onto the bed as requested. Tae immediately pulled her onto his lap abs started to ravish her lips and neck.

Luna II(A BTS Soulmate AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें