11: En joy

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this is such a mess..
just like me then ha ha hghfb


"Do you like it?" he sounds very hesitant, like he's not sure if I would like a field of beautiful flowers with the sunset setting in a distance far behind the trees, so I give him a reassuring smile.

"Yes, I like it. Even more, I love it"

He smiles, his face soften and his eyes glow bright in the evening light. He leads me to the middle of the field and drop himself to the grass, with me following with him.

We look at the sky without saying a word. We doesn't have to because words can't describe the feeling I have at this moment.

The feeling that tickles my insides and making my heart skip a few extra beats, almost jumping out of my chest.

The feeling you get when you eat a really good ice cream but of course, this is nothing you can compare to an ice cream. This is something else, something no one really can describe because that's how special it is.


I don't dare to look at him so I do my best to keep my eyes at the sky but I still can't tear my thoughts away from the blue eyed guy, sitting beside me. A voice throws me out of my deep, circling thoughts.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you bring me.. here?"


"I mean I don't complain, it's beautiful! and I definitely don't want to sound rude,"


"I hope I don't sound rude because that's not why I'm asking this. I'm asking be-"

"Cas!!" I almost yell out and realization hits me when I think of what I just said, but the nickname seem to catch his attention because he looks at me with his eyebrows crossed.

I feel knots in my throat tighten for every second that goes by but as I look into his ocean eyes, the nervosity leaves my body and I clear my throat.

"I brought you here because I thought you needed it. Everyone needs to get away from the reality sometimes and to, you know.. experience peace" I say proudly, and quite stunned by the words that comes out of my mouth.

"Oh.. thank you for that. No one has never done anything like this for me" he says quietly, and I can almost sense the sadness in his voice.

I wish I could just hug him and tell him that he's loved and- Wait.. no, I can't do that. He would think I'm crazy and-

I internally stop myself, if that's even a thing, and I let the silence fall further and further between us, as the night surrounds us. We stay quiet, as the time flies by and soon the stars are lightning up the dark sky above us. 

Suddenly, a weight on my shoulder appears and I look down to see Cas, resting his head. The sight makes warmth spread inside of me and I smile. All of a sudden he lets out a deep breath.

"I really like doing this, Dean" He states, keeping his eyes on the trillions of lights shining down on us. I smile a little more, knowing what he refers to, but I still decide to ask the question.

"What do you like doing, Cas?" I reply back and I bring my eyes away from the stars, to look at the brown haired guy beside me, who is still resting on my shoulder, by the way.

"I like stargazing. with you" He replies and I meet his blue eyes. He put his arms around me and I bring him closer to my body with my arms around his waist and we both enjoy the moment while it lasts.

~ ~

hOrRiBLe ending ik don't tell me but im gonna make it up to yall iiiiiiiiiiiiii✨

just wait and see..😏


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