6: Ab sent

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I walk into the school hallway and instantly gets shoved and pushed by people but that's how high school is, right?

My mind keeps reminding me of last night. I keep rethinking the image of Dean smiling so softly at me. I decides to thank him for saving me, twice.

As I walk into the cafeteria, I search for the tall, blonde haired guy with those gorgeous emerald eyes. He's not someone you can miss and he's definitely not one of the shy guys, that's certain.

I can't seem to find him but what does catch my eyes are his friends sitting at a table a few feet away. If someone knows where Dean is, it's them.

I walk with slow footsteps over to their table, while looking around nervously to make sure my brother isn't around.

But then it hits me, Michael stayed home this morning because we have a math test today, which he hasn't studied for.

Classic Michael.

"I'm s- sorry for bothering you b- but is Dean here today?" I say in a nervous voice as I now stand, with shaking legs, in front of the group.

"No he stayed home today, he didn't feel very well.." the brown, shorthaired guy replies with a sad but a soft look on his face, which I assume is Benny.

"What's it to ya?" the guy next to Benny hisses as he looks at me with an amused look and a smirk plastered across his face.

"I- eh I just want to- I didn't mean-"

"Ignore Lucifer, he's Satan himself" the redheaded girl says as she stares down Lucifer.

"Well, if you want to, you can tell us whatever you want to tell Dean and we'll tell him when we see him next time" the tousled, dirty blonde guy says kindly in an accent.

"Okay.. I just wanted to thank Dean for the ride he gave me yesterday" I say while my eyes are jumping from eyes to eyes around the table.

"We will gladly tell Dean that, now hop away you little giraffe! I want to eat in peace" the lightbrown haired guy says nonchalantly.

I hear some giggles around the table as I frowns at the guy and decide to leave them alone.

* tiiiMmesSkiiiPpp ^.^ *

I stand by my locker, putting my key into the padlock and opens it. I put my books into the locker because the school day is over.

I'm about to turn around and start to walk to the main door but my path get stopped by two people staring at me angrily with a slightly look of worriedness. 

It was Dean's friends from earlier, Benny and Balthazar.

"Why were dean giving you a ride?"

"What happened after the ride?"

"Where did Dean go after giving you a ride?"

"What did Dean say he was gonna go after?"

I try my hardest to answer them but the nervouisity takes over me. I'm scared for my life because I know what's coming next.

"Pl- please, don't h- hurt me.." I stutters in a small voice. That is the only thing I can get out as I close my eyes to prevent the tears from streaming down my face.

"Woah, why would we hurt you?!" Benny says, sounding really shocked. I look up to meet two pair of shocked eyes.

I let out a deep sigh of relief. I suddenly feel a steady hand on my shoulder and I tense up. I look to my right to see Balthazar with a soft look on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I nod for an answer, because of the lack of words in my mouth.

"We're just wondering if Dean told you anything about his plans or where he was going yesterday?" Benny asks from besides Balthazar.

"No he didn't.. w- why'd you ask?" I replies as my eyebrows wrinkles together in a confused look.

"We think something happened last night and that's why he didn't show up for school today" Balthazar explains as he lift his hand off my shoulder and rubs his forehead worriedly.

"Oh.. wait, he's not hurt, is he?" I says with a shaky voice. I'm not sure why I'm suddenly so worried about the school's most popular jock, but after the ride he gave me last night makes me doubt that he's okay.

"We don't know.." Benny says quietly. The three of us stands in the, almost empty, hallway in silent for minutes before Balthazar clears his throat.

"We're gonna drive to Dean's, to see if he's okay and y'know, you can come with us if you want to"

I nod in response and with that, we leave the school building and steps into Balthazar's jeep and he starts driving to the place we're headed to.

Dean's house.

~ ~

i think i've completely
lost it like wut the fawk is
this bs???

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