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Welcome to this short story fanfiction series! 

To start, thank you to Bryan Konietzko and Dante DiMartino for your creation of the Avatar Universe that this series is based in. Also a huge thanks to F.C. Yee, author of both of the Kyoshi Novels that this series is directly inspired by. 

This series is going to function as a collection of episodic short stories that sit at around 1 thousand words each. I'm going to be dabbling in imitation writing as well as working to improve my own fiction and storytelling voice. I'm also doing this.... drumroll please... almost entirely on my phone between the hours of 12 and 3 am. So bear with me, some things may change as I notice them in my rereads. 

Wondering what you need to read before you start this? Well really, all you need to know is anything that was in the Rise of Kyoshi or the Legend of Kyoshi. This will function fine without much if any confusion without having watched or read any of the Avatar: The Last Airbender or The Legend of Korra content. 

So basically, spoilers for the Kyoshi novels. 

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